Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sunday Practice


The Photo:

It was completely socked in. NO visible sun, it just got a little bit brighter at sunrise (7:05). There was a very strong wind from the north. It was sprinkling lightly, with the bulk of the rain coming in later today and tonight. The last low tide was at 6:10 so there was plenty of hard packed sand, however the wind was too strong to practice in. So I decided to come back home to practice in the backyard, which is protected from the north wind.

The Practice:

This morning I find myself working on having flexibility about where and when I practice. I'm so used to (ordinary) the habit of practicing on the beach at sunrise. I'm having a hard time NOT doing it! 

Over the last 6 months I've successfully formed the habit of daily 'sunrise beach practice'. The downside of that habit is when it's not possible. Like this morning being to windy (and wet) or next week when we leave for the season. So this morning I'm consciously being flexible about when and where I'll do my practice. 

My goal is simply to get a 'session' in every day, with the best spirit and balanced mind involvement possible.

                               "The mind directs, the body follows"

I just finished my practice in the backyard. It was still blustery but not nearly as windy as it was on the beach!

I started with a brief Warm Up and a Round of Bagua Zhang [yin fu set #1) especially focusing on #6 & 8. Paying close attention twist just enough to open the spine and to not over twist which closes the spine. 

                                          "Let there be neither excess nor deficiency"

I then completed a Round of T'ai Chi Ch'uan on the right side. One of the theme for this mornings was to remain "Light and Spirited" throughout my round; Paying close attention to completely relaxing a leg or arm after using it. With my legs I payed close attention to completely relaxing a leg immediately after shifting weight off of it.  

I continued to work on this principle (completely relaxing muscle after using it) while doing a Standing Meditation practice. First in Wuji (50/50 weighted) then while doing Single Leg Standing Meditation, with one leg holding 100% of the weight the other side is completely relaxed, with the opposite arm/hand held up and the other arm/hand simply hanging limp at the side (completely relaxed). A very productive practice!


There were very few folks on the beach this morning. The wind was howling!!

I did see a couple of joggers

And Greg and Arian on bikes on the way home....