Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday Practice


I got a late start this morning. We had to bring GG's car to Cherry Rum Auto for an oil change. 

Echo is healing from his vet visit yesterday. He was actually chilling in the house on his couch bed while I practiced on the deck. He could see me through the slider so I guess that made it ok? 

I started with a full Warm Up. Note: I have most of my art being 'warmed up' with these qigongs. During my Warm Ups I focus on: Fascial tissue awareness and cultivation along with Hun/Haah Breathing, Taoist Longevity Breathing, HuiYin Breathing, Rooting, Song, range of motion, stretching and Standing Meditation. I aim to have these exercises transform me by adhering to Tai-Chi principles throughout the session whenever I can.

Warming Up is usually about 1/3 - 1/2 of my overall practice. I put a very high premium on properly warming up Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. It takes time and effort, once it becomes your daily habit it will be difficult to NOT do it!

After my Warm Up I did a Round (right side) focused on The Principles, especially observing the conclusion of each posture (definite conscious conclusion) and assuring that once a transition starts all parts keep moving in unison until the conclusion of the next posture. It's important to NOT stop while transitioning from one posture to the next. I stayed focused on that while I did today's Round.