It's Sunday morning so I'm going to practice on The Patio of The Barn with tea and classical music...I'm thinking about my teachers Master's Paul and Ray....In solidarity!
I did a short Warm Up and a Round (left side). Today I was focused on connecting internally and externally to the small universe inside of me and larger universe (s) outside of me (ala Cheng Bagua Zhang). I had a profound connection to nature throughout the session.
Breathing in, Ch'i is in me
Breathing out, I'm in Ch'i
Finally got a break in the the rain and a few moments so I got in a Beemer ride. The RT is purring like a kitten....Riding "The Star Ship" is like driving a work of art! The Ultimate Driving Machine indeed;^)
Motorcycling is still the most dangerous things that I do on a regular basis.....Since the advent of Cellular Phones, I've witnessed some really crazy sheet on public roads.