I taught my first Bagua for Health Seminar this morning at The Studio. I arrived an hour early to get camera's set and to do a Round (left side) before folks started to show up.
I had a good turn out for the first Seminar (17). Thanks for the support and interest you guys.
Photo above is the class working on empty stepping in a straight line. I covered a verity of topics with the beginners and explained some of the ideas behind Bagua for Health. By the end I had them doing the final exercise: Walk the Circle with Guard and change directions Bagua style with Hook and Swing Steps.
In the second section I reviewed the 8 Linking Palm Set. Spending a good deal of time on #3 with partner work to explore the applications. We also flushed out #6, 7 and 8. I didn't address the walking too much because I covered it in detail during the first Seminar.