Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday Practice


                              Dr. Leung Kay-Chi "Embrace The Moon" from Yin Fu Bagua Zhang

I did a short Warm Up and a Round (left side) in the driveway before I drove down to Hatfield to workout with Paul C. 

Paul and I trained upstairs in his Tai-Chi room. There were some workers adjusting the vinyl siding right outside the window. I was a bit noisy but Paul didn't seem to mind.

We started with Jab & Cross to pillows that I was holding. I suggested that I stay still and he adjusts the 'correct' distance.

He was very spirited with good extension in his arms. He did tend to move forward but ended up getting too close most of the time. 

Next we walked. I introduced several Bagua concepts and we ended walking a figure 8 pattern around two waste baskets.

Next we did a short Warm Up and Stretch, ending with big open arm circles

I did a full explanation of tech. and benefits of getting up and down from a chair as an exercise. 

and an explanation of breathing with the diaphram. Then breathing with arm motion (big circles). Paul leans towards the Whirlpool ala Brush Knee Twist Step.

Next I reviewed the basic details of Wuji Posture, then we repeated the intro to the Tai-Chi Form three times. Focusing on Big/Open movements.

We finished with Single Hand Push-Hands on both side, again focusing on nice long, big and open movements.

After working with Paul I drove to Wesfield to At The Waters Edge dive shop to drop off my Scuba Diving regulator and BCD so that Bert can either fix or give his recommendation as to what to replace them.