Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Practice


                Looking south about 10 minutes after sunrise there was a splash of color on the horizon.                                                                         Taken with my phone/camera
The Photo:

The sunrise was at 7:12 with low tide at 5:49. I expected more beach damage. I'm happy to report although the tide came all the way up, there was no visible erosion to the dunes but there was copious amounts of sea weed on the beach and a few Portuguese Man of War too! It was warm, balmy in fact but very windy and gusty from the S S/W. It knocked my hat off twice, before I gave up and took it off. Gusts also threatened to knock my tripod and camera over and it was sprinkling, so I put my camera in it's travel bag and stored it on the Walkover stairs. I did continue to take a few photos of the sunrise with my phone/camera. Alas, it was mostly a grey event this morning. Although I did see a splash of color on the horizon and some subtle variations on blue and pink in the clouds. (probably too subtle for the camera to pick up on). It sure was beautiful in person....Support your local sunrise!!

The Practice:

There was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on. I did a full round of The 10+ followed by a Round (left side) focused on transitioning from formless (yin) to formed (yang) during each sequence of postures. This is a principle that was transmitted to me some years ago by Sam Masich during a private lesson. I'm contemplated the idea over the years and as I applied it the principle throughout my round I had a profound feeling of the energy forming in my fingers and throughout my body as the transitions in the postures evolved. I could feel an expansion at the conclusion of my postures, unlike anything that I've felt before. Very cool feeling. 


I saw several folks out walking and jogging the beach this morning. Greg and Arian came down to walk the beach and inspect the damage. They were picking up some of the plastic debris that washed up last night.