Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wednesday Practice


The Photo:

The sunrise was at 7:13 with  low tide at 9:06. The wind was steady out of the east. It was cool but not cold. There was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on.

The Practice: 

I started with The 10+ followed by a Round (left side) focused on balancing qi, shen and jin....slowly cultivating and recharging myself. I had a profound connection with natures energies. 

The last couple of days I haven't had time to write early in the day. I'm finding it challenging to remember exactly what came up during my practice. I regularly have mini epiphanies while I practice. More so when I'm improvising empty hand or with weapons. Lately I've been doing more forms and less improvising. 

Frankly I'm usually focused on some similar things. My main purpose in training is to contribute to my self development physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In order to accomplish that I employ the principles and ideas that I've accumulated over the past 4 decades of study and practice. It doesn't seem that complicated when I'm doing it, it sure seems complicated when I try to write it down. 

At this point I'm also using No Mind and mostly observing the fruits of my labor. I wish I could bottle the connection to natures energies that I'm feeling....I'd be rich!