Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday Practice

The Photo:

Sunrise was at 7:18, low tide 10:51. It's 51 here at the house, definitely colder on the beach. Oh yeah...Then there's the fierce north wind. 

I tried to practice at my usual location but the wind got to me. The wind and cold made it much more difficult to 'warm up' and by the time I got to #3 of The 10+ I realized that I needed to see a wind block. The closest wind block is on the south side of the 21st Ave walk over.

I found a reprieve from the north wind here. I tucked myself into the 4 by 4 square right up against the walk over (the dunes). Cozy...Sort of!

The Practice:

I started out in the open with The 10+, I moved to the 21st Ave walk over to get out of the fierce north wind....Brrrr! I was dressed for it but still.....Brrrr!

I resumed The 10+ in the 4' by 4' square of soft sand right up against the walk over. I focused on natures energies all around me. The ocean was angry!

Next I did a Round (right side) in the 4' by 4' square focused on my stance work, overall stability and a calm but focused mind, balancing Jin, Qi and Shen.

Next I reviewed Anyo Tatlo and Seiuchin Kata. I was in soft sand and out in the north wind too, so I focused on stance work and stability. 

Next I used my walking cane to review Tai-Chi Saber focused on fully completing my ending postures and holding them just slightly. 

I finished with a Healing Qigong as I was returning to the house.....Brrrr!