Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Practice


The Photo:

The sunrise was at 7:18, high tide at 5:20. It was 50 at the house. The fierce north wind made it feel like 30 on the beach. I kept my back to the wind when possible.

There were a few groups of teenagers determined to be on the beach during sunrise. They had their PJ's on and were wrapped in blankets. I only saw one local jogging but there were about 20 determined tourists this morning. Frankly, because of the cold and north wind I didn't expect anyone on the beach. But there were some very hearty folks that were up for it, myself included!

The Practice:

I turned my back to the wind (north) but it was still very cold and the fierce north wind made it a challenging session. 

I started with a light warm up. Just a few of The 10+ followed by a Round. There were a lot of tourists on the beach determined to be there at sunrise. They looked cold! 

Between the weather and the tourists I tried to stay 'inside' and connected to the sunrise. 

Next I reviewed Anyo Apat and Wansu Kata....Starting to 'warm up' 

I finished with Healing Qigong and quickly returned to the house.....Brrrr!!

I needed to get ready to head to Jacksonville. Going to visit Mom today......

Lunch with Mom. It was too cold and windy to go outside.