Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio

 The Details:

It's 42 at the house. Brrrr! The sunrise was at 6:56. I'm going into The Studio to teach the 8-9:30 Taiji & Qigong Class.

The Practice:

Once I arrived at The Studio I did a round of Baguazhang Yin/Yang Circle Walking from the Cheng T'in Hwa style I was tuned into Toe in/Toe out and the stretch that happens.

Once students started to show up I started to talk about Functional Exercise vs Martial Arts Foundation.

Next we did a round of The 10+ I explained and separated out Functional Exercise and Martial Art training.  

Next we did a Round of Taiji on the left side for Part I and right side in Part II and III tuned into maintaining a TSOM.

Next we did Standing Post Training I explained the Taoist formula for putting the difficult/challenging exercises in the middle and ending with easier postures. 

We ended with Healing Qigong I explained my process of 1. Cultivating Nature's Qi and 2. Extending Healing Energy to family and friends.....All sentient beings throughout the universe (s)

After class I went to the YMCA and did a full round of CYBEX resistance training. I've been trying to increase my strength training regularity and intensity. I have a much easier time getting to the gym in Florida. Hopefully our house will still be standing and viable after Milton goes out to sea. Fingers crossed!