Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday Practice

 The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:10. The high tide was at 6:41. Busy day today starting a video meeting with Jeff from 8-9 that I completely forgot about until I got the email reminder. Oy!

After my meeting with Jeff I went out to The Backyard to practice. 

I started with a brief warm up focused on health, mobility and agility.

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I found myself experiencing the expansion and contraction internally connected to the phases of the postures; either expanding outward or contracting inward. It's part of balancing Yin/Yang energies. 

Next I got ready to drive north to Orange City (Moose Haven) to visit my Mom. After I arrived we had lunch in the Schmidt Dining Room. My Mom's portable oxygen tank was out of juice, so I was unable to take her outside. After lunch I brought her back to the activity area and we played 'Rubicon'. I can see lots of benefit to playing cards and board games as we age. The banter, conversation and strategy when playing with other people is excellent for cognition. 

Next I drove back to NSB - I 95 was very busy! Idiots and left lane travelers were out in force. 

When I arrived home I went out to QW. I walked north just past The Pelican Condos. I did a brief mobility stretch. When I arrived back at 21st Ave I did Changes 4-8 of Cheng Style Baguazhangs 8 Animal Set focused on health and consistency.

Next I did stretching and push ups on the 21st Ave Walkover.