The Details:
It's 60 at the house. It's forecast to be warmer today and tomorrow. The sunrise was at 7:06. The low tide is at 9:14.
The Practice:
Yesterday afternoon:
When I got back to 21st Ave I did a round of The 21 Qigong and some calisthenics on the Walkover before returning to the house.
I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. I've been trying to put Freight Train and Sugar Babe to a metronome. First I started out at 50 BPM and yesterday bumped it up to 55 BPM. I still make mistakes and get off the 1, but I am making progress. I almost have Freight Train memorized.
I went out to The Backyard at 10:30 to practice. I had a hard time getting started this morning. This is where self-discipline becomes essential in order to be consistent.
I began with a full round of The 10+ tuned into health and consistency.
Next I did a Round of Taijiquan. I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I. I tuned into calibrating my mind and spirit to a specific frequency. I could tell when I was tuned in and also when I was slightly off frequency.
Next I did a round of Anyo Pito tuned into the correct sequence and direction of postures. There are a couple of applications that I'm contemplating; the finger strike to the double block sequence I've seen as a throw.
Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata the sequence is becoming more and more familiar and well practiced. Now it's time for more detail with a focus on stance work and timing.
I ended with SPT and Healing Qigong.