The Details:
It's 64 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:17. The high tide was at 6:45.
The Practice:
I started inside with a reading of "Spring" by Mary Oliver. Here is the very beginning of the poem:
is the instructor.
We need no other."
Next I did a guitar practice focusing on Freight Train and Sugar Babe. I'm having a challenging time trying not to mute/dampen the second bass note....Oy! I'm taking my time paying special attention to the second bass note ringing without any muting. I'm sufficiently challenged and frustrated, I know I'm on the right path but it sure is demanding a whole bunch of patience!!
Next I did Drum Set practice; I worked with Steve Gadds book "Gadiments" on page #23: Single Drags W/Flams. Interesting exercises, that I found useful among other things, but especially for stick control.
Next I went out to The Backyard and did a round of Taiji Cane using a wooden Bokuto (a single edged Japanese wooden sword used for training kenjitsu.) I focused on the health benefits to my shoulders, legs and grip strength.
Next I used the Bokuto to do a round of the Modern Arnis Cane Anyo 1-4, on both sides.
Next I used a wooden Jian to do a round of Taiji Jian Form reciting the names of the postures throughout.
Next I did a brief Warm Up using the first few of The 10 focused on consistency and health.
Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into my Kua opening and closing, Jin moving down and up the 9 zig zag path through the Jinlu.
Next I did a brief SPT and Healing Qigong.
Next I did a round of Anyo Walo focused on quality punches and kicks with full extension and pop (focus).
Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata focused on connecting my Tan T'ien (Hara) and my punches and monitoring the quality of my contraction (Isometric and Dynamic contractions).