The Details:
It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:08. The low tide is at 11:20. There's a cold front forecast to arrive around lunch time.
The Practice:
Yesterday afternoon:
QW north to The Pelican Condos.
I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. I've got a lesson scheduled for 11-12 this morning. I'm still working on The Songs and various exercised to develop unconscious accuracy with the thumb pick and the ability to play the songs by memory in time with a metronome on The One. Oy! I wish it was easier.
Next I went out front to practice on the front patio this morning. GG is working in the backyard.
I started with a full round of The 10+ exercising my will, determination and self-discipline. Sounds better than it feels!! The point is the will to do something when 'feel good' motivation has been used up. That will happen at a certain point no matter the endeavor. The cyclical nature of acquiring skills is real. IF you are able to will yourself to 'do it' with time and effort IT will improve. But not as quickly as you would like it to. Sorry about that, I didn't make up the rules;^)
Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) I was thinking about how doing a Round a day effects ones cognition. Just keeping straight which side to start on, then once you start on that side, staying on that side and not switching over to the other side unknowingly (unconsciously). Oy! Once both sides feel equally comfortable, staying on the side that you started on can be challenging. Oy!!
At #9 I did a full round (both sides of each change) of Baguazhang Yin Style 8 Linking Palms focused on the Kick Ups and consistency of practice. This was the original Bagua Form that I learned from Dr. Leung the summer of 1979 outside in the Boston Gardens.
Next I did a round of Anyo Isa adding more snap and focus to my punches, kicks and progressive steps.
Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata focused on solidifying the changes that I'm making to that form
I ended with SPT and Healing Qigong.