Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday Practice


The Details:

It's 60 at the house. The sunrise was at 8:57. The last high tide was at 3:50. I'm moving a bit slow again this morning. 

The Practice:

I started inside with reading a poem from Evidence and Guitar Practice. I'm currently properly frustrated by my guitar efforts. Oy Vey! I have to remember that I'm practicing guitar simply for the act of practicing guitar. It's challenging to empty myself of any expectations. Shubal reminded me that setting goals is ok.

Next I QW to the beach up to The Wave.

Next I did a full round The 10+ focused on health, agility and consistency.

Next I did a Round (right side) reciting the Taijiquan Classics during Parts I & II. I focused on using neutral postures and relaxed balance throughout the Round.

Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong.

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa focused on consistency and the overall quality of my basics.

Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata tuned into the changes that I'm making to this Kata. 

I finished with Healing Qigong as I was QW back to the house.