Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Practice


The Details:

It's 55 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:56. The last high tide was at 4:53. Logistics today, reconcile the bank account, re-register Big Bertha etc.

The Practice:

I started inside with guitar practice and a lengthy reading from Mary Oliver's book of poems "Evidence"

I went out to the backyard about mid-morning. I did a Round (right side) to Master Liang counting out the beats to his Taiji Music. I tuned into the 'space' without 'space' between the postures. Concluding without pausing. The space between 4 AND and the next 1. I find it helpful to use the music with T. T. counting when I'm having a more challenging time approaching my daily practice. Consistency is challenging for human beings but the pay off for being consistent is huge! 

Consistency is underrated, intensity is overrated. 

I finished with SPT and Healing Qigong.