Early morning practice spot on Little Cayman
The Details:
It's warm and windy again this morning.
The Practice:
It's going to be another "Vacation" post. Short and Sweet practice's on vacation and consequently short and sweet notes on my practices. Thanks for bearing with me.
I started with a full round of The 10+ focused on developing a calm, centered state of mind that I'll need to scuba dive The Great Wall (Bloody Bay Wall) off the north side of Little Cayman. Today we dove Randy's Gazebo and Joy's Joy.
Next I did a Round (right side) of Taijiquan tuned into developing and stimulating a calm and centered state of mind. I recited the Taiji Classics during Parts I & II.
Next I did STP and Healing Qigong before heading back to the condo to prepare to go diving! Yay!!