The Azaleas are blooming in the backyard.
The Details:
It's 52 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:39. The high tide was at 7:42. I'm still adjusting to losing one hour to daylight savings time. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've got a busy couple of days coming up. Today we've got someone from Daisy Maid coming in from 1-3 to help us clean in preparation for Melinda and Dave's.
The Practices:
I went out to the backyard and started with a full Modern Arnis Cane Warm Up using my Dragon Canes.
Next I did a round of Taiji Double Dao Form using my Dragon Canes.
Next I did a full round of The 10+ tuned into consistency, health and leg strength.
Next I did a Round (left side) feeling Song Jin throughout the form. I also tuned into expressing Peng Jin in my fingers. I had some issues with staying on the left side about 1/2 through Part II. I focused on my reaction to questioning what side I was on. Oy! Parts I & III were solid. I suspect some of what I was feeling was 'maping' in relation to the direction I was facing. I continue to use the relationship to Postures that I developed over decades at The Studio; facing north (towards the big mirror) and also which hand does the punches. Still I'm finding it challenging to alternate sides day to day and to keep on the same side that I started on. Oy Vey!
Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong>>>>>>>>
Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo tuned into correct sequence and direction of postures.
Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata tuned into focus/no focus, stance work, agility and applications.