Monday, January 23, 2023

Monday Practice 1.23.23


The Photo:

A bit cooler this morning, but still not bad as long as you're dressed for it....I was;^) I didn't need gloves or a warm hat. I did need sweat pants and a windbreaker though!

The tide was out far enough to expose some hard pack sand to practice on, but it was coming in, high tide's at 9:52 am today. 

I made it out in time to practice during the Sunrise again this morning. I'm afraid I'm becoming addicted to practicing at sunrise. 

Sunrise  was at 7:17 today.

Days are getting longer a minute at a time.  

The wind was initially nonexistent and then I noticed it was lightly coming in from the North.

I love being part of dynamic natural settings (especially at the beach) and participating in the motion of the tides, winds, sun/stars/moon and the movement of the planet itself (gravity), as I cultivate nature qi. 

Once I've tuned (calibrated) my consciousness, raising my frequency, 

I feel amazed and in awe of nature! 

With gratitude and appreciation.

The Practice:

I managed to get in a full warm up and a Round of T'ai Chi Ch'uan on the left side on some hard packed sand. 

Today I was focused on "Rub the Neck on the Collar"; A traditional saying that helps to align the head over the shoulders and adjusts the alignment of shoulders over the hips and the position of the shoulders themselves. 

During the Round and while practicing Standing Meditation, I felt that focusing on this idea brought a light and spirited energy to the top of my head. 

I was also focused on "Retain the Spirit Internally." (In calm contemplation)

All in all a very productive session. I'm realizing that the time of day is starting to have a profound effect on the results of my effort. It's really starting to pay off in ways that's difficult to put into words and it's almost purely experiential. I'd encourage everyone to get your practice and/or exercise in as early in the day as you can. You will be more successful on most every level....Promise;^)


I met 'Cheech' on the beach this morning. He's traveling alone in a camper, working his way south to the Florida Keys. He had just come from a stint in Daytona, but likes NSB quite a bit better. He's off to Ft. Lauderdale next. 

Other than that I didn't see anyone else to talk too.

Here's a shot I took of Cheech for his daughter.