Thursday, January 26, 2023

Thursday 1.26.23 Practice


The Photo:

It was still a bit cool at 7:20 am but a little warmer than the past few days. The wind was steady out of the N N/W. The tide was low at 6:25 so there was plenty of room to move on the beach. No problem finding enough hard packed sand to practice on.

The Practice:

I got out to the beach a little later this morning. I could see the heavy cloud bank from the backyard. No need to rush out to catch the sun before it rose above the horizon. I relished the extra few minutes. Then the habit kicked in and I wanted to get out to the beach to practice in the vibration of Sunrise, Ocean Tide, Wind and Beach. 'It' was calling me!!

I did a full Qigong Warm Up followed by a Round of T'ai Chi Ch'uan on the right side (original side). 

During my Round;

After working on "Loose Subtle and Relaxed" I focused on my Alignment over the weighted foot. Paying close attention to neither going too far forward nor too far back: 

"Neither excess, nor deficiency"

I was focusing on the sweet spot when in a forward bow stance with the feeling of being able to ground a pull, then finding the sweet spot when shifting back (as in Roll-Back) with the feeling of being able to ground a push. 

I continued to search for that 'feeling' throughout the entire Round.

After my Round I did some Standing Meditation

I proceeded to practice Sunsu, the 8th empty hand form in the American Karate System. 

Very productive practice session this morning;^)

I hope you're enjoying your practice today!

Email me if you are...Thanks!



A number of construction guys being ferried to the area just south of The Pelican condominiums. There was also a crew working on the sea wall at Las Brisas. 

Apparently the tide was just right for the Black Skimmers to be skimming! Really amazing bird behavior to witness in person. Wish you were here to see it for yourself!! I thought about trying to capture a photo of one 'skimming' but I think I would need a larger lens.