Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Wuji Standing Post Training on the beach at sunrise practice Tuesday 1.17.23


The Photo:
Tuesday 1.17.23 @ Sunrise
Cold with hardly a breeze from the west. 
Tide was pretty far out but coming in slowly. Plenty of hard packed sand to practice on. Very few people on the beach. I guess the cold keeps most away. Only a few hardy souls, like my beach friend Bob and his walking friends.

The Practice:

I started with Standing Post training, first Wuji Stance (double leg) and then Raise Hands (single leg); Actively cultivating the energy of the Sunrise, The Ocean, The earth and The Universe. I used Pore Breathing with the Earth.
I continued with that feeling throughout my warm ups and into a left side Round of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. 
I had some really good feeling of propagating the energy from my bubbling well points, developing the energy in my legs and then directing it with my waist, finally feeling it form in the fingers. My feet, legs and waist acting as ONE

I saw Bob and his new walking friend Harland, I think! His other walking friend Mike had to turn back because of his knee (s). That's the problem with old injuries they come back to haunt you in old age. 

I have an Arnis session with my student/friend Gary P. at 9:30 this morning. It's been a while, looking forward to it.

Enjoy your day!!