The Photo:
It was in the low 60's this morning with an imperceptible breeze. The tide was coming in fast. It was high at 8:41 with the sunrise at 6:59 am this morning. This is the very first sunrise before 7 am this season. Here I captured the moment 1/2 of the sun appeared on the horizon.
The Practice:
After shooting a few sunrise photos I packed up my camera and proceeded to begin my Warm Ups. I started with The Ten Exercises and when I was performing #6 (Kick-Ups) on the right side that the Ocean decided to advance high tide all in one fell swoop. I had my back to the ocean and it snuck up on me. The next thing I know I'm mid calf deep in sea water. Soaked I was!!

So I squished (wet sneakers) my way back home and changed. I finished my practice in my backyard. It's all good;^)
After finishing my Warm Ups I proceeded to review and do a bit of 'repetitive single movement training':
Jian Sword + Left side basics
Cane Anyo 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Both Rt and Lt sides)
T'ai Chi Ch'uan Cane Form
" " " Double Broadsword Form + Left side basics
" " " Single Broadsword Form "
I finished with a Round (Rt side) to the music (without the count). I had an interesting experience doing the form
a bit quicker. I had a visceral feeling of my waist acting like the banner and my arms moving like silk scarfs. The feeling was very fluid, the arms moving from my waist. It's one of the strongest feelings of my arms connecting to my waist that I've ever felt.

This guy (Chad I think?) stopped to chat about taking sunrise photos here in New Smyrna Beach. He said he has thousands that he has taken over the 15+ years he has been coming to NSB every February. He said he has never seen a sunrise without cloud cover in February.