Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Practice

The Photo:

Today was the first 'daylight savings' sunrise for 2023, at 7:38 am. I got there a couple of minutes late and the sun was already up. I captured the sun rising anyway;^)

Low tide was at 7:03 am so by the time I got out to shoot and practice the tide was coming up. While I was practicing, I played tag (push-hands) with the ocean. Fun!

There was a slight breeze, mostly from the west but then shifted around to the W S/W towards the end of my practice. Just enough breeze to keep the no-see-um's away. Yay!

The Practice:

This morning I focused on:

1. The importance of consistency when training.....Anything! 

           a) Be curious about the effect that consistency would have on your quest for mastery.

2. Smooth and stable transitions between postures.

3. Stand like a balanced scale

4. Move like a cartwheel  

           a) Seek to develop an internal gyroscope. When your feet can sense where your head and the rest of your body is in the field of gravity....Full Time and without conscious effort. Automatically by habit. 

5. Strive for Zhong Ding - Balance and harmony in all things


We had another fitful nights sleep because Lucy was coughing uncontrollably. The prognosis is not good. She will eventually not be able to stop coughing and retching. That's already the case at night. 7 nights and counting without a good nights sleep. Oy vey!!

There were lots of spring breakers and family vacationers on the beach this morning.

I saw Janet from down the street on my way back home. She's a regular walker, most every morning.