Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Practice

 Tuesday 5/14/23

Very early morning practice on the deck. Then off to Kemod Shoal for an extra ordinary Thresher Shark encounter. A short Warm Up and a Round on the right side. Not the best 'spirit' but I did get some 'calibration' becoming more and more Song as the practice went on. All in all a productive practice. 

Back for breakfast then off to Gato Island for a two tank dive. 

*Diving is conducive to testing if you are able to reach a deep state of Song (relaxing) under stressful situations.
We dove Gato Island Tuesday afternoon. In the morning we had a spectacular encounter with Thresher Sharks on Kemod Shoal. In order to get there for the shark encounter we had to leave the resort at 5:30 at I did my Round on the deck outside our room at about 4:30am. We've been so busy diving that my rounds have been very early in the morning before we go. 

Yesterday (Wed) we went to Calanggaman Island where they have one of the few Wall Dives. It was beautiful but 2 hours away by boat. The surface interval was wonderful because we could swim to cool off. It is super hot and humid here this time of year.

Wednesday 5/16/23
Early morning practice on the deck. Short Warm Up and a Round on the left side. 
Then prepare for diving and U/W photography. I was using total manual settings on these days. 

That's Calanggaman Island off in the distance. The 'Wall' is on this side of the island. It's a stand alone resort/vacation Island. It was wonderful but the 4 hours to get there and back made for a very long day.
Oh and I had an auto inflating problem with my BCD. Very unnerving on the first dive before I understood what was going on. The second dive still had the problem but I was able to stay calmer once I knew what was happening. Yay! Very good practice for 'being comfortable being uncomfortable'.

Thursday  5/17/23

We decided not to go on the very early morning Thresher Shark dive. A difficult decision but a good one. 
I'll be going back to the room after breakfast to do my practice. Probably inside the room because of the heat.