Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday Practice


The Photo: Some of my practice weapons that I use for exercise; Various weights of canes/sticks/staffs/spears and Broadswords.

The Photo: Taken a few years ago at The Dragons Head, a favorite practice spot when I lived in Greenfield. Photo by Ben Banville.

It's raining again this morning so I'll be practicing up in the loft or in The Barn. I haven't decided yet. 

While it was still raining I started in The Barn with The 10 Exercises and The 21 using Hun/Haah breathing. Interesting session. I continued with the idea of Hun bringing the Chi in towards my center and Haah extending the Chi outwards towards my extremities. Using a long Haah for health (The 21) and a short Hah for martial arts. The 10 had both types of breathing along with some reverse breathing too

After the rain let up I migrated out to the driveway for some weapons training and a Round. Later in the afternoon I went back out for a Spear session and some Bagua Zhang.