Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tuesday Practice


I went in to teach T'ai Chi and Qigong class this morning. A big group formed:

Bob, Lenny, Sally, Rob, Read, Paul, Janee, Nancy, Lucy, LJ and Wes. It was wonderful to have so many 'old timers' and a couple of newer students too! I found the group very inspiring. 

There was a lot of 'visiting' going on in the hallway first then in the room. I consider the social aspect of The Studio and the study of martial arts to be essential. So the visiting continued.....

I then talked about the many "Paradox" in T'ai Chi training. I also talked about the dot's in the Yin/Yang symbol; Being the part of these arts that can't be explained. It's a feeling that cannot be described with mere words. (IMO)

"The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao"

A lot of things can be explained with science and physics, but there is always an aspect of everything that cannot be explained and will remain a mystery. 

"Equanimity in the face of confusion leads to insight"

I also talked about stretching the skin from soles of the feet to the finger tips. I used bungee cords to give a visual reference to the feeling of stretching the fascia.

I then went through a version of The 10+  focusing on 'smoothing out the whole body sheet of fascia'.

Coordinating the internal (feeling) with the external (movement); First a have the feeling of being in balance THEN test that feeling by merely lifting the unweighted leg, checking that you were in the accurate position. (You shouldn't have to move to lift the leg)

During the Round (right side) we focused on the paradox:

"Neither severance nor splice"

Concluding (without actually physically stopping) the end of postures and continual movement throughout the transitions. The paradox is Stopping without Stopping.

We also attempted to coordinate the internal with the external by using Hun/Haah (silently) visualizing ch'i coming in to the center (core) and expanding out to the extremities.

I also did a few repetitions of 'Sweep the Lotus' kick with a breakdown of the side to side action to counter balance.

After class visiting with Bob, Lenny and Sally

When everyone left I did a Spear session with the long pole and the plastic Spear Head. 

I was too tired to go to the YMCA so I just came straight home.....Pooped!