Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday Practice


I practiced on The Patio in front of The Barn this morning,

First I swept the leaves off. Yesterday I practiced in the leaves (for fun) but today I made a point of preparing my training space as I usually would. Preparing the space you intend to practice in is a significant step in the right direction; Reverence for your training space. The option would be???

I did a full Warm Up before I was interrupted the first time. I've had a run on interrupted practices lately. It's a challenge (put nicely) to re-connect internally once you've been interrupted. But it IS good and important practice; Returning to your inner sanctuary and a chance to practice non-reactivity and resilience. 

After the Warm Up and dealing with problems with CVS Pharmacy I returned to The Barn for a short session on my Tama Drum Set working with the RokSteady device that I purchased recently. Rock Steady at 53 bpm using a traditional grip with the left hand out towards the end of the stick and getting and accurate, fat and confident 2&4. After Drum Set practice I went out onto The Patio and did Round (right side). I got through Parts I & II before I got interrupted again. After dealing with the 'problem' I returned to The Patio and finished with Part III. 

Next I returned to the house and went out on The Deck to work on some Bagua Basics for the upcoming Seminar and a review of the first Yin Fu Set.