Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday Practice


I started my practice inside because it was cold and damp outside and drizzling a bit too! I was watching Echo too!

First I did a Warm Up exploring the new neck stretches that I've been working with and worked on the upper body Warm Ups that I'll be using on Sunday for the Bagua For Health Seminar. I also worked on the straight line Bagua walking and the circular Bagua walking with hook and swing step to change directions. 

Next I went out on The Deck and did a Round (left side) focusing on feeling my feet and connecting with nature.

Afterwards I did a round of Bagua Zhang 1st Yin Fu Set on both sides focusing on the health aspects. I monitored for the proper amount of twist/turn, smooth natural movements and abdominal breathing; Slow, fine, even and soft.