Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Tuesday Christmas Eve Day Practice


The Details:

It's 57 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:15. The low tide was at 10:01. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all that are reading this. Wishing you all the best Holidays from the Staff and Students at the J. R. Roy Martial Arts Studio (JRRMAS)! 

The Practice:

I started inside with a reading from Mary Oliver's book. This morning I recited out loud the poem "Violets"

I also did a brief acoustic guitar practice, mostly working on Freight Train. It's coming along slowly.

Afterwards I went out to The Backyard and started with a brief Warm Up using the first few of The 10

Next I did a Round (left side) to the music with Master T. T. Liang counting out the beats. I observed it from a meditative point of view throughout the round, looking to see if the principles were present without conscious thought........after 40+ years of practice. I'm finding it challenging to 'not think' just 'do'!

Next I came back inside to help pick up the house clutter. We have guests coming for tea/coffee around noon. 

Yesterday afternoon:

First I went to the gym to do resistance training. Twice last week and again this week. I guess I'm on a roll?

Next I QW the Beach north just past The Pelican Condos. I did a brief mobility stretch at the 1/2 point and again on 21st Ave Walkover before returning to the house to make supper.

High tide must have floated the sailboat enough to get the bow heading in the correct direction. The keel is still buried in the sand. That is going to be very expensive to get it towed out to deeper water. Oy!!