The Details:
It's 52 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:26. The low tide was at 10:00. Very little wind.
The Practice:
I started inside reading the poem "Water" by Mary Oliver. I thought it was an appropriate reading given that I was about to go out to the beach for sunrise.
Just before sunrise I QW to the beach.
After shooting the sunrise with my phone camera (easier than a tripod and my Cannon camera) I started with a full round of The 10+ focused on consistency, overall health, agility, mobility, relaxed balance and developing my Jin Lu.
Next I did a Round (left side) focused on The Four F's, especially function and feeling.
Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo focused on correct sequence, I had questions so I did a second round to be sure I had the correct sequence.
Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata focused on correct form and deep stances.
Next I did a full round of Yin Style Baguazhang 1st Set focused on correct sequence, postures and consistency. It's been a bit too long since I've done this set; I've been primarily working on Yin Fu 8 Palms. They are similar, which makes the correct sequence and postures even more challenging. I work on keeping them separate and discrete.
I finished with Healing Qigong while I returned to the house.