This Blog is maintained by J. R. Roy (Sifu) and is designed to demonstrate, archive and publish the material that is taught, in the six seperate programs that are currently offered at JRRMAS, for our staff and students, past and present and our family and friends. THIS BLOG IS DESIGNED FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY,DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY OF THESE DRILLS, EXERCISES OR APPLICATIONS WITHOUT A QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR PRESENT - All material copyright jrroy productions, all rights reserved worldwide
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Youth Class at the Wells Street Studio
Look closely....if your in your mid to late 30's might be in there!
That was truly an outstanding group of young students!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
American Karate-Do - Self Defense Technique - Def. Ag. single lapel grab
Students LS and SG practice a Self-Defense Technique based on movements from Nihanchi Kata. It's a defense against a single lapel grab.
Lesson 1:
After trying to break the hold
LS needs to soften the opponent with an angle kick to knee/shin
She then follows up with a back fist/hammer fist
Then backs up with a defensive hand position
asses the situation
and escapes!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Modern Arnis - double stick against single stick Tapi Tapi
JRRMAS staff member PR and Sifu practice a double stick against a single stick Tapi Tapi (counter their counter) drill that Sifu learned from Chuck Gauss (Thanks Chuck) a few years ago. The drill has an excellent flow to it.
Lesson 1:
This type of drill trains the sensitivity of your hands, wrists and arms. Training sticks greatly assists in the development of your bodies sensing abilities (Tien Jing - Listening Skill). Once you can feel, follow and lead through the inanimate stick...the skill of listening with just your body will be greatly enhanced.
Lesson 2:
One of the great gifts from Prof. Presas was the idea that working with a single and double stick serves to speed up the developement of you empty hand skills....The Prof. was absolutely right!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Little Dragons photograph
OT has just completed several months of the Little Dragons program (ages 4-6).
This Thursday morning at 10:30am (July 30) will be the last Little Dragons class until the first week of Sept. The class will resume the first Thursday in Sept. from 4:00-4:30pm
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Modern Arnis - Tapi Tapi - Counter their counter
Sifu and JRRMAS staff member PR practice a baiting and locking series. The idea is to counter their counter (Tapi Tapi).
Lesson 1:
Tapi tapi is an excellent platform for skill aquisition
training the 'live hand' to seak the path
Friday, July 24, 2009
Internal Exercise Set - Part Six
This is Part Six, the conclusion of the Internal Exercise Set based on Master Haywards Twin-Cities Warm Up's.
If you click on the Label to your left, named Internal Exercise Set, all six parts will be grouped together on one page. Part one will be at the bottom.
Lesson 1:
The Internal Exercises in these six video clips
are in 'real time'
just follow Sifu as he does the exercises:
With as much awareness of your body as you are capable of.....
Pay attention to:
The point of balance in the middle of you foot (feet)
The alignment of your entire body - follow gravity -
Be relaxed
Balance between Peng expansion energy and Sung releasing, opening, rooting (rubbery - not stiff)
Distinguish between the exercises that use the whole body "One unit"
and those where you are isolating a particular part or area of you body
Breath using T'an T'ien breathing (abdominal breathing)
Now the real part........
Do them once per day and enjoy Robust Health!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Two students promoted to White Belt - 8th Kyu
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Internal Exercise Set - Part Five
Part Five of the Internal Exercise Set
Monday, July 20, 2009
Internal Exercise Set - Part Four
This the fourth part of the Internal Exercise Set based on Master Haywards Twin Cities Warm Ups. I tried to upload a longer segment but I can only upload a 100MB clip! So after 5 or 6 tries this is all I could get to upload.
If you look at the 'labels' to the left side of the blog. Click on the 'Internal Exercise Set' and all the Parts will be grouped together in reverse order with the first Part last on the page.
"Practice everyday and do your best"
Grand Master T. T. Liang
Blocking for Self-Defense
JRRMAS adjunct staff member TS from Potsdam NY gives a presentation on Self-Defense blocking. TS started training with me in 1979 and is one of my senior most Black Belts (4th degree) in the American Karate-Do System, he is also a Black Belt in Modern Arnis. He is currently teaching T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Self-Defense and Aerobic Kick Boxing at the University in Potsdam. With over 30 years of consistent training, TS has a lot to offer. It was wonderful to have him assisting with the youth classes in the morning and participating in the Seminar in the afternoon this past Saturday. I only wish he lived closer!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thoughts about martial arts and the toughest of times

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Internal Exercise Set - Part Two
The second installment of the Internal Exercise Set based on Master Haywards Twin Cities warm ups. This portion of the Set mainly involves stretching the neck, shoulders, arms and back.
Lesson 1:
Do these exercises daily!
with proprioceptive awareness
and proper alignment
with 100 percent concentration on observing and adjusting
and a relaxed muscular effort
celebrate when ever thing moves effortlessly and pain free!
Trouble uploading video to Studio Blog:(
I'll try again later....thanks for tuning in and thanks for your patience.
FYI - There is still time to sign up for the 'Special Training Seminar' I'm offering this coming Saturday 7/18 from 1-5 at the Studio. Fun time for all!!

Monday, July 13, 2009
Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publication - "Simple life style changes can have enormous impact on our longevity and quality of life"

We all know aging is an inevitable process, yet most of us are eager to maintain our health and enjoy our life in the most vibrant, vigorous way possible. We want to age gracefully, while retaining our vitality, energy, and memory. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can have an enormous impact on our longevity and quality of life (*).
One of the most important factors to aging gracefully is avoiding the onset of common medical conditions. From heart disease and stroke to Alzheimer’s disease to hearing and memory loss, sidestepping these conditions can add years to your life and life to your years. It’s important to know the steps you can take to prevent these conditions and other common threats to your good health.
But it’s not just physical ailments that can impact your health in your later years. Keeping a sharp mind and memory is equally important. As many as two-thirds of people age 50 and over notice greater difficulty remembering names, appointments, and other details. But research has shown that our brains can keep growing new neurons (brain cells) and making new connections throughout life. People who keep learning (*) and stay mentally active increase their odds of retaining good brain function as they age. The more you use your brain (*), the stronger it gets — and the longer it stays strong.
Eventually, your daily practice will become a daily routine just like brushing your teeth and bathing. With personal hygiene, one learns to adjust around injuries and illness.
American Karate-Do - Self Defense Technique - The Lever
Studetns LS and SG practice the second Self-Defense Technique, The Lever.
Lesson 1:
This is an medium escalated version of the lever
defending against single lapel grab with a straight arm.
There is a de-escalated version with no counter attack
and a more escalated version with multiple counters
ending in a take down or throw
Lesson 2:
In a potential Self-Defense situation
asses the amount of force you need to defend yourself
with the use of force continuum in mind.
It's always better to avoid physical conflict whenever possible
and to use the least amount of force necessary to subdue the attacker
to allow you enough time to escape.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Modern Arnis - Slap off and re-grab drill
Sifu and JRRMAS staff member LS practice the Modern Arnis counter the counter, slap off and re-grab drill
Lesson 1:
The attacker (LS) strikes with one of the 12 angles of attack,
Sifu block, checks and counters the original attack,
The attacker stops the counter with their 'live hand',
either on the inside or the outside of the fore arm (Sifu's)
Then Sifu will either
'slap off'
then..... re-counter from the same side
then..... re-counter from the same side
Lesson 2:
A central theme in Modern Arnis is to 'Counter the Counter': 'Tapi Tapi'
until you steal their time
and achieve a superior body position,
Until you find
or create the opening
allowing you to successfully Counter their Counter!
Lesson 3:
This is an excellent drill for skill acquisition!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
American Karate-Do - Self Defense Technique - Crash of the Eagle
Students LS and SG practice Crash of the Eagle, a defense against a rear shoulder grab or push. This is first required self-defense technique for rank in the American Karate-Do system in it's medium 'escalated' form with a single back fist/hammer fist counter attack. It's more escalated form would have multiple counter attacks ending in a take down or throw.
Lesson 1:
In Crash of the Eagles 'de-escalated' form
students first learn to step forward,
turn quickly to face the attacker
and with a descending elbow,
break the hold (or regain balance from a push),
withought countering,
but with awareness,
simply ......step away from the attacker
with your hands up in front of your face,
palms out,
fingers spread,
projecting a peaceful (but secretively defensive) hand position
then to look for a means of escape..........
Lesson 2:
The sole purpose of self-defense is to ESCAPE!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Internal Exercise Set - Part One
This is the first two exercises at beginning of what I'm calling the "Internal Exercise Set".
It's a set that I've based on Master Haywards Warm Up Exercises with a few additions and variations.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Trouble uploading better quality video...
Anyway...thanks for bearing with me and for tuning in!
Just a reminder about the Special Training Seminar that I'm giving on Saturday July 18th from 1-5 PM
Click of 'Seminars' in the label column to your left to see more information on the Seminar
Well, I spent another few hours at it and I just can't seem to get the video to upload and now it's time to go in to the Studio to teach classes. So.....I'll try again tomorrow. Working through this computer/digital video stuff and keeping ones central equilibrium, is good for the practice. Breathing deeply in Leyden:)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wudang Sword basic Stab practice
Sifu and JRRMAS Staff members WF, SK and BL practice lines of basic Stabs (Thrusts) with Broadswords.
Lesson 1:
Take any single technique
the more basic the technique is ....the better!
Choose your technique wisely.....
One, that is a common denominator to the Art or Form
Then.....while paying attention to principles and details
repeat the single technique in a line or row
amassing as many repetitions as you have the capacity for
Remember the idea is develop and refine .....
Changing the way you do the technique should happen daily...
Mastery is the goal!
Lesson 2:
To achieve Mastery in Martial Arts...
Correct practice is essential!
A basic level that is available to everyone is around 10,000 (correct) repetitions
Mastery is only available to those with a life long,
regular daily practice and is around 36,000 repetitions!
Repeating rows of the basic, is the main practice method
Rows makes it relatively easy to repeat the basic 100 or more times in one practice session
Then the secret is to do that practice daily......
It's amazing how quickly the repetitions will amass!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Modern Arnis - Redonda - Forward and Reverse
JRRMAS Staff member PH practices Redonda with Brown Belt student AG.
Lesson 1:
one circle on the same side
two circle's on the opposite side
The first strike crosses over when going forward
and under when doing the reverse
train both sides simultaneously
Keep the beats even
especially in between side changes
and feel the one, two,'s a triplet.....without accents....
add in Rompida and Abinico
Now add stance work...forward, backward and to the sides
It's all the nature of circles, timing and momentum
Truly marvelous practice!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Modern Arnis application from Stick Form 1
JRRMAS Staff member PR leads a recent class in an application exercise based on the first Stick Form (Anyo).
Lesson 1:
In order to lead the mind properly during solo practice...
it's imperative that the practitioner is able to visualize the application of the movement
Practicing the applications of the forms with a partner is the 'secret'
to higher level solo practice...
Visualizating the applications will give the practitioner the correct 'feeling' of the solo gesture
Lesson 2:
"The mind directs, the body follows"
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
6 year old practices Single Sinawalli
Sifu and his 6 year old (he is now 7) Grandson DR practice Modern Arnis' Single Sinawalli with padded sticks, before the Youth Karate-Do class. Besides stick work DR has been exposed to the Jian (double edged straight sword) and the Broadsword. He very much enjoys the weapons practices with Sifu.
Lesson 1:
When teaching younger students weapons...
The practice always starts and ends with respect!
The weapons should be fun ...but it's NOT play time.....
The practices should be formal and with a qualified teacher
Younger students should learns to hit weapon to weapon first..
NOT weapon to body!
Lesson 2:
Correct weapons training
will greatly speed up the training process of your empty hand techniques,
proper relaxation
and whole body power.
It will help to strengthen you hands, wrists, arms and shoulders.....
it will also help to keep the joints moving properly with good flexibility and range of motion.
Lesson 3:
Weapons training is an excellent addition to an overall health maintenance program
as it will help to keep your hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders strong and flexible.
Grand Master T. T. Liang was still able to write calligraphy when he was well over 100 years old and was still practicing double Dao (Broadsword) and Jian (double edged straight sword) forms well into his 90's! He still remains such an inspiration!