Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Practice


The Details:

It's 62 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:36. We're scheduled to have lunch in Sunderland with Paul and Jean today. It's Friday so I have a video call with Jeff at 8.

The Practice:

I started with a full practice session on my Taylor (acoustic guitar). 

Next I went out to my main training area and did a full round of The 10+ focusing on flushing out the + part from the original 10.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. Once again I focused on achieving a tranquil state of mind throughout the form and developing a profound connection to nature and cultivating the calm and power of nature.

Next I did a short Standing Post Training

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa tuned into agility and focus on my techniques.

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata focused on the quality of my basics and adding more pop to my techniques. I also tuned into the timing of stance and strikes. 

Time to go to Sunderland to meet with Paul and Jean.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday Practice

 The Details:

It's 60 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:35. It's forecast to be another nice day. Maybe the last warm one. It looks like the temperature will be slowly dropping with highs in the 60's in the afternoon. Oh boy here it comes. 

The Practice:

I started out with an acoustic guitar practice. It's coming slowly!!

After guitar practice I went out to my main practice area and did a full round of The 10+ 

I continue to flush out the material that I'll be presenting at the upcoming Seminar on The 10+ at the end of the month. 

This will be the first time that I'll be explaining what and how I'm practicing these very important (IMO) exercises. 

I'll be explaining how to upgrade them to good quality Qigong, a cut above mere calisthenics. 

I'll also explain how to extract the foundation of martial arts and self-defense training from this set. 

***These are an amazing collection of exercises. They are excellent for maintaining robust health and provide an excellent foundation for advanced martial arts training; 'it' is all in The 10+! 

I hope you can make it. 

I did a full round of Yin Fu 8 Palms focused on the low squat and the quality of my Circle Walking. I used both the Mud Treading Set and the Lion Step. I'm making progress on this set!

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) tuned into maintaining and monitoring my state of mind and encouraging a Tranquil State throughout the Round. 

Next I did a short Standing Post Training (SPT) and Healing Qigong.
I've been having an interesting experience feeling Song/Peng while doing SPT. I think it's from the Dragons Back exercises that I recently put into The 10+; it's paying dividends.

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa focused on full extension of punches and a light feeling during the Progressive Steps.

Next I did a round of Naihnchi Kata the changes that I'm making to this Kata are flushing out. 

I ended with Circle Walking around my Bagua Poles and a little bit of weeding and leaf pick up in my practice area.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Traditional Chinese Movable Type


Traditional Chinese Movable Type

Rare old footage of Taiji Masters

 Rare footage of Taiji Master's

Wednesday Practice


The Details:

It's 53 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:34. I usually go to Hatfield to meet with Paul Wednesday mornings at 10,  but he has his sister visiting so not today.

The Practice:

My day keeps changing! I was fully scheduled and everything has been put off until later in the week. Perhaps music on Friday 3-5?

I started with a full round of The 10+ tuned into how I'll be presenting this material on the 29th:

When I got to #9, I did a full round of The 8 Animal Form from Cheng T'ing Hwa Baguazhang tuned in Mud Tredding Step.

For #10 I did a full round of The Three Swings and Song Gong. I regularly do these two Qigongs when I do #10.

Next I did a Round (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I focused on entering into a tranquil state of mind and having a profound connection to nature!

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo focused on more pop (focus) on my kicks and punches using muscle lock! 

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata tuned into adjusting the isometric aspect and connecting my Tan T'ien to my punches.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Child prodigies and geniuses | 60 Minutes Full Episodes


Child prodigies and geniuses | 60 Minutes Full Episodes

The Diaphragm: Your Body’s Essential Breathing Muscle


The Diaphragm: Your Body’s Essential Breathing Muscle

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio


The Details:

It's 53 at the house. The Sunrise was at 6:33. It's going to be a bit cooler over the next few days. I'll be going into The Studio to teach Taiji & Qigong.

The Practice:

When I got to The Studio the first thing I did was to put our household trash into the buildings dumpster. 

One I opened up The Studio

I had three students show up, Lucy, Nancy and Read.

I talked about 1. Entering into a Tranquil State of Mind 2. How your health impacts self-defense

Next I did a full round of the original 10 Exercises with little to no explanation. I continue to prepare the material that I'll be presenting later this month:

 Next we did a full session of Standing Post Training tuned into what to think about;  

1. Think about this 

2. Not that

Next we did a Round of Taiji (right side) focused on getting to and maintaining a Tranquil State of Mind. 

We ended with Healing Qigong

After class I went to the bank to make a deposit and GSB to pay for the safe t deposit box and to put the Title for the new Passport in the box.

After going to the banks I went to the YMCA for a full round of CYBEX (resistance training) 

After the Y I stopped at Tito's for lunch and at my sisters to drop off tomatoes and cookies before coming home to eat lunch and write my notes on today's training.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Modern Arnis Abaniko Double Action

Sifu Roy teaching Modern Arnis' Abaniko Double Action

Monday Practice


The Details:

It's 57 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:32. It's forecast to be another nice day. The weather has been wonderful lately. Maybe sailing this afternoon?

The Practice:

I started with 30 minutes of acoustic guitar practice. It's coming a bit slower than I would like (that's a big club) but I continue to preserve with daily practice, as patiently as I can;^)  

Next I went out to my main practice area and started with a full round of The 10+ tuned into how I'm going to present this material at the seminar later this month:

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics and Healing Qigong during Parts I & II.

Throughout the round I tuned into maintaining a Tranquil State Of Mind (TSOM) with a profound connection to the calmness all around me in nature. The trees are my teachers!

Next I did a round of Anyo Anim tuned into agility.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata tuned into correct sequence, direction and techniques. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Practice

 The Details:

It's 60 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:31. It's Sunday and it looks like another lovely day, starting off cool but up to 80 this afternoon.

The Practice:

I started with acoustic guitar practice then I went out to The Barn and did a resistance training session with TRX Straps, dumbbells and push ups.

Next I went outside to do a round of Taiji Double Dao with my Dragon Canes. Focused on how this form has movements that are excellent for shoulder health. All the circles around the head with weight (Broadswords) are fabulous for shoulder health and shoulder rehab (when adjusted properly) 

Next I went out onto The Stone Patio and did a round of The 10. I've been focusing on the original set that I learned from Grandmaster Leung Kay-Chi. I also reviewed the Baji (8 stances: 1. Horse Stance 2. Bow & Arrow Stance 3. Tiger Crouching Stance 4. Cross Leg Stance 5. Empty Stance 6. Taiji Stance 7. Unicorn Stance 8. Chicken [Rooster?] Stance)

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) to Master Liang counting out the beats to his music. I focused on embodying the Taiji Principles described in the Taiji Classics. I recited the classics during Part I

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into the flow and the applications.

Next I did a round of Kusanku Kata focused on agility, especially the Zen Dashi throughout the Kata.

I finished with Healing Qigong

Afterwards I did medium drum set practice in The Barn. I'm loving my Tama kit with the 18" bass drum. I'm finding with D112 on the front head the 18" bass drum performs well. It does need the mike on the front head.

Sifu Roy is teaching a seminar on Sunday 9/29 @ The Studio from 9-noon


Email Sifu Roy

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Practice


                  My Bagua Poles - I'm loving the new placement, I'm using them daily!

The Details:

It's 63 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:30. It's cool but clear. Forecast to be another nice day. First thing I'm going to do today is to put a dump run together. It's time to get rid of the old gas grill.

The Practice:

After I got back from making a dump run I went out into my main practice area and did a full round of The 10+. I did a short session around my Bagua Poles.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) focused on consistency and health. 

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Lima tuned into health and agility. I focused on full extension in my kicks and more focus on my punches.

Next I did a round of Chinto Kata focused on agility and the 'spins', stance work and quality basics.

                                          Nice jam with Bob and Shubal yesterday afternoon!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Practice

 The Details:

It's 62 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:29. It's forecast to be clear and a bit warmer this afternoon. I have to switch out the Volvo for the Bimmer this morning, then music in The Barn this afternoon from 2-4.

The Practice:

I overslept and met with Jeff (it's Friday) 10 minutes late, 8:10-9:00, then I went into Greenfield to switch out the cars.

After returning home I went out to my main training area and did a round of the original 10 Exercises that I learned from Master Leung Kay-Chi the summer of 1979.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) tuned into the Taiji Principles. 

Note: Echo escaped and he was running all around the yard....Very distracting!

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into the quality of my basics and the applications

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata tuned into agility and relaxed balance while moving. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Principle of Balance is omnipresent in martial arts training.


        The Principle of Relaxed Balance is at the core of all Martial Arts Training. 

Maintaining a state of relaxed balance, while disrupting your opponents balance is the key to being successful against an uncooperative opponent (as in real life self-defense). 

Relaxed Balance even while moving or shifting your weight from one foot to the next or when you are on one leg kicking, the idea is to maintain relaxed balance (Zhong Ding) at all times, whether you are moving forward or backward, left or right; up and down should always be maintained in balance.

In Taiji Quan and Bagua Zhang training I refer to this state of Relaxed Balance when you have developed a Neutral Posture which is readily able to transform force (energy) that it is in contact with. 

Notes from a musical perspective:

The principle of balance in music is 'time'. 

Having steady time is important no matter what the musical genre is and no matter what instrument you are playing. 

                                                                It's not a guarantee:

 Good balance while practicing = Good martial arts!

Good time in music = Good feel! 

In music having steady time (meter) means you are able to play the piece (song) without speeding up or slowing down. 

To assist in developing good time, most musicians will use some sort of metronome or drum machine for practice. 

Grand Master Angi Uezu has passed.


Grand Master Angi Uezu has passed.

Thursday Practice


                                                                   Looking north.

I've been loving the new placement of my Bagua Poles. I find myself attracted to using them daily! 

More BaguaZhang = Better Health!


Is Bagua Zhang superior to Taiji Quan?

Email J. R. Roy Sifu

The Details:

It's 57 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:28, It's another cool and clear day. I have an appointment in Brattleboro VT at 10 with Shayna to get my haircut.

The Practice:

It's one of those piecemeal kinda days. 

I started out in The Driveway with a brief warm up and Part I of the Taiji Form. 

Next I drove up to Brattleboro and ended up being 10 minutes early. So I found a private place outside and did Part II,

After arriving home from the appointment I organized a dump run and then went out into my main training space and did a round of the 8 Animal Set from Cheng T'ing Hwa BaguaZhang that I learned from Master Zhang Jie back in the 1990's. I did the set around my Bagua Poles.

Next I did Part III (left side) and found that I migrated over to the right side a couple of times. I rarely do my Rounds piece meal like I did today, but there are those busy days that flush our like that. Frankly it's not the best Round I've ever had but I 1. Got it in!! 2. Stayed consistent 

IF you practice every day there will be good ones and then there's the other side being 'Not as good'; When the Round happens to be not as good I find that it's fodder to keep you ego in check.

I ended with Healing Qigong

I'm going to have a BLT with fabulous Leyden tomatoes....Yum! Perhaps my favorite sandwich of all time!!




Wednesday, September 11, 2024




Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


The Details:

It's 48 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:27. It's forecast to be cool and clear. I'll be driving down to Hatfield at 10 to meet with Paul C.

The Practice:

I started out in The Driveway with a brief warm up using the first three of The 10

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) I recited the Taiji Classics and focused on embodying Taiji Principles throughout the form.

I ended with a brief Healing Qigong

I drove the Lexus down to Paul's, my Volvo is in the shop.

After I arrived we started walking around his house (inside)

Next we did walk side to side (toe/heel) and backwards (toe/heel) we had already practiced forward walking (heel/toe)

Next I introduced two functional exercises to help maintain the physical ability to walk.

Next we did leg swings using a chair to help with his balance.

Next we did an ankle exercise Dorsiflexion to Point Your Toes. We did it standing (with chair for help with balance) but this exercise can be easily done while sitting.

Next we did a functional exercise: 

1. Sitting Down

2. Standing up from a sitting position

The idea as an exercise is to work towards using just your legs and not depending on arm strength to stand up or sit down.

Next I did Arm Circling (both hands at the same time) in both directions

Next I did Arm Circling front to back and visa versa.

Next we did Push and Pull with strength, followed by Single Arm Push-Hands remembering to keep the eye's and the head UP!

Next we did 3 Rounds of the first half of Part I

We ended with a brief Standing Post Training using Taoist Longevity Breathing 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Master T.T. Liang Tai Chi Chuan Solo Form

Dong Huling Yang Style Tai Chi 1960's

Blades take longer to use that you might think

 Blades take longer to use that you might think

Karate Master Taiji Kase in Hasselt, Belgium 1993

 Karate Master Master Taiji Kase in Hasselt, Belgium 1993

Seminar with Sifu J. R. Roy Sunday 9/29/24 from 9-noon


Tuesday Practice @ The Studio

The Details:
It's 57 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:25.

The Practice:
I had Jack, Nancy, Lucy and Read in class this morning. 
We started with working The Dance I talked about
1. The sequence - is important but it's not 'it'
2. Embodying Taiji Principles into the sequence 
3. Developing the skills necessary to use the posture for martial arts training and eventually for self-defense.

I worked with Jack to get the internal skills part in his sequence and pointed out how you would have to go about training 'it' in order to develop the skills that are the essence of martial arts training.

Next we did a Round of Taiji (right side) focused on the principle of using Neutral Postures throughout the form. 

"Neither Deficiency Nor Excess, Hollow Nor Projection" 

We did a Standing Post Session using all 8 basic postures

We ended with Healing Qigong

I had to leave promptly at 9:30 to get my Volvo to Cherry Rum Auto for it's timing belt.

Monday, September 9, 2024

As taught by Professor Cheng Man-ching

 The Eight-method T'ai Chi Ch'uan Drill

As taught by Professor Cheng Man-ching in New York City between 1965 and 1975.
Transmitted by Tam Gibbs.

1. Walking on Thin Ice
Imagine you are walking on slippery thin ice with one inch of water underneath. You don't want to break through the ice or slip and fall.

2. Wearing the Moon like a Cap
Add onto any of the other methods, for example after walking on thin ice for a while, we were asked to wear the moon like a cap. The head is upright and you imagine the soft spot on your head is attached to the moon and the feet to the earth.

3. Sculling (plying the oar)
Like the PUSH in the Grasp the Sparrow's Tail posture. Imagine you are on a boat with an oar getting across a river.

4. Setting the Sail
Like the Fair Lady Weaving at the Shuttles posture. Imagine a Chinese junk, feel yourself raising the sail (pushing the sail up).

5. Chasing Clouds
Like Waving Hands in the Clouds posture. Imagine you are the mountain and your hands are the clouds.

6. Standing over the Abyss or Standing on the Brink
Like the White Crane Spreads it's Wings posture. Imagine a ledge at the toe of you back foot.

7. Walking in Water or Wading the Stream
Imagine you are knee deep in a stream with a 3 mph current. Feel the bottom of the stream as you walk.

8. Riding the Wind
Like the Diagonal Flying posture. Imagine you are soaring, gliding through the air.



Monday Practice


The Details:

It's 49 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:24. It's going to be another cool and clear day. I've got an acoustic guitar lesson here in Leyden later this morning.

The Practice:

I started with an acoustic guitar practice.

Next I went out to my main practice area where I did a round of The 10+ focused on what and when I'm going to present the + part of them. At the moment I'm thinking of first doing the original set that I learned from GrandMaster Leung Kay-Chi back in 1979. Then to start to introduce the variations and additions that I've made to them over the past few years.

I did a full round of Yin Fu 8 Palms around my Bagua Poles. I was focused on the health and agility that I'm getting from doing Bagua regularly. FYI - 'It' (whatever 'it is) needs to be done daily (or as close to daily as possible) in order for 'it' to contribute to robust health and longevity. 

There is only:


Not Doing

IMO - Once you are regularly doing it, it's time to focus on 'how' you are doing 'it'. The quality of your practice will determine the results. 

Perfect practices

Makes for perfect performances

Next I did a Round of Taiji focused on having the front knee already bent before shifting the weight to it (ala Micheal Phillips). I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I

Next I did a Standing Post Session using all 8 postures

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did two rounds of Anyo Tatlo - I had trouble with the sequence about 1/2 way through, so did it again with less thinking....Just doing!

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata tuned into the flow of the kata

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Practice


The Details:

It's 50 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:23. It's forecast to be the coolest day of the week, with high temperatures in the low 60's. Brrrr!

The Practice:

I started with 15 minutes of acoustic guitar practice. I worked on Sugar Babe and Freight Train along with several basic drills; Pinch and Roll along with C, F, C, G, C with a bass line walk up to each chord. 

Next I went out on The Deck and did a full round of The 10+ tuned into how I'm going to present this material at the upcoming Seminar on Sunday 9/29 from 9-noon @ The Studio. I'm thinking to first present the entire original 10 Exercises, then to present the variations and additions that I've made to the (the + part) over the past 45+ years that I've been practicing them. When I was teaching full time I regularly did 23 classes per week and I'd do The 10 with every class. Now that I'm mostly retired I still do them daily. I feel as though I'm doing myself a disservice if I don't do them; I'm the only one that loses!!! Don't think, just DO!

Next I did Round of Taiji to Master Liang counting the beats to the music. I only got the count/sequence confused once and I was able to 1. Be aware that I did it, instantly 2. I was able to regroup and get back to it quickly.

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Taiji Jian (using Master Mom's Wooden Jian)  to the CD that I made back in 2008. I kept my eyes trained on the tip of the sword. This is the second time in the last two days that I did the Jian Form to this CD and I found it easier this time around. 

I ended with a round of Lazy D's on the left side. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Practice


                                            Master Mom's Wooden Taiji Jian

The Details:

It's 61 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:22. It's forecast to be cool and clear....Again!!

The Practice:

I practiced on The Deck this morning. I stayed close because I've got Echo and I know that he loves The Deck!

I started with a full acoustic guitar practice. I worked on the finger style guitar songs that I know and the strumming song 'Take Me Home Country Road' by John Denver .

                                                   My acoustic guitar practice station.

Next I did a brief warm up followed by a Round of Taiji to Master Liangs music and count. One of the good things about practicing Taiji to 'the beat' is that it keeps you honest about the accuracy of the sequence. It reminds me of playing music within an arrangement. You must remember where you are in the song. Same within a Round of Taiji. 

Note: For beginners memorizing the accurate sequence of ??? (the Solo Form) is important, as become a long term (decades) regular practitioner, accurate sequence is important. IF you over think then you will not have the mental capacity to articulate the correct sequence. It's exactly the same when playing music; over thinking will kill it!

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa adding more pop and focus with fully extended punches and kicks.

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata tuned into quality basics and the timing of stance and strikes

Next I did a round of Taiji Jian to the CD that I made back in 2008 with Shakuhachi Flute music with my reciting the names of the postures. I used Master Mom's Taiji Jian to do this round. 


Wu Wei

 Wu Wei

Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Practice


The Details: 

It's 54 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:21. Another cool and foggy and overcast day.

The Practice:

I started with an acoustic guitar practice, I'm working on a couple of finger style guitar songs. They are coming along slowly but surely. At least my left hand fingers have developed enough callouses so that practice is no longer painful, frustrating yes, painful no! Yay!!

Next I did a TRX and Dumbbell session in The Barn.

Next I went to The Driveway to do rounds of Taiji Staff, Monkey Staff and Lo Family Staff. I also reviewed the Taiji 13 Spear Techniques on both sides (A & B). I had a tad bit of difficulty with the sequence of the 13 Spear Techniques. I really need a regular partner to fully flush this out or at least review it solo more often. 

Next I went to my main training area and did a short round of The 10+ tuned into the changes that I am making in order to evolve the set to be more and more effective for 1. Health 2. Martial application

I did #9 with the three variations of Snake and Hawk Palm around my Bagua Poles.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) focused on bending my forward knee ala Micheal Philipps. I also tuned into the health benefit of long term daily practice. Consistency is key to success, no matter the endeavor.

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa tuned into the applications and the quality of my basics.

Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata focused on solidifying the changes that I'm making to the Kata.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Kombatan Arnis / Grand Master Ernesto

SENSEI: Masters of Okinawan Karate S2 #2 - Norihiko Masuda

SENSEI: Masters of Okinawan Karate S2 #1 - Maeshiro Morinobu

Thursday Practice


The Details:

It's 52 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:20. It's forecast to be cool and clear.

The Practice:

I started in my main practice area with a full round of The 10+ focused on increasing my awareness of Qi, Jin and Shen. 

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side). I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I and calibrated my mind to become more aware of Nature Qi and feeling the air thicken up all around me.

Next I did a round of Standing Post Training (all 7 postures) focused on feeling the earth pushing up against the bottoms of my feet.

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo tuned into applications

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata focused on connecting my t'an t'ien to my strikes

I finished by extending Healing Energy to all my family, friends and all sentient beings throughout the universes.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024



Ed Parker - Sophisticated Basics 1 - PART3: Attention stance

Tai Chi Theory: The "Matrix of Qi"

Wednesday Practice at Paul's


The Details:

It's 50 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:19. It's forecast to be cool and clear today.

The Practice:

I started in The Driveway with a brief Warm Up and a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into bending my forward knee before transferring my weight to the forward foot. I let the videos that I watched by the late Micheal Phillips freely influence my Round. 

Next I drove the Lexus down to Hatfield to meet with Paul.

We started with a Warm Up in the living room. Paul was in stocking feet so I encouraged practicing on the carpet in the living room as opposed to the hardwood floors.

Next we did Big Circles in both directions. This is the first time that Paul was able to discern The Fountain (right hand going clockwise) from The Whirlpool (right hand going counter clockwise). I tested it a few times and he was able to discern the difference every time. I also did both directions in the T'ai Chi Ruler variation and once again he was able to discern the difference every time. Fabulous!

Next we did a short Standing Meditation. I one finger pushed him on all four cardinal directions. The idea (theory) is to not stop your mind at the point of contact, whether you are receiving or issuing, but to link the contact point to the feet, yours and your partners as well.

Next we did a Focus Pad session focused on full extension of punches. Paul regularly gets 'jazzed up' when he does Focus Pad work. The session was no different.

Next we did Palms Up/Palms Down with a few at the end with added resistance (from me)

Next we did Full Open (spreading the webbing between the fingers) and Full Close (tight fists)

Next we did the first half of Part I - Paul followed me through twice. I did not add any detail or watch for accuracy. 

Next we did Single Arm Push-Hands first circling then with resistance while pushing and pulling.

Overall I introduced more principles, theory and detail than before and Paul seemed to be able to understand and physically do it too!

Michael Phillips RIP - Solo Form Demo w Counts

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Lyon Workshop - Tsai and Lieh

Mr B P Chan


Tuesday Practice at The Studio


The Details:

It's 47 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:18. It's cool and clear, forecast to be another nice day.

The Practice:

I had a mostly male class today. Bob, Jack, Lenny, Wes and Janee. Read called in to say he tweaked his back and probably wouldn't be coming in this morning.

We started with a sensitivity drill with a partner. The drill starts with pulling the opponents forward arm across their body, where it's neutralized, then you  are prepared to push which is neutralized then your partner feeds a forward arm elbow strike.

After a bit of discussion about the drill and principles I spoke a little about Neutral Postures and the principle of "Neither deficiency, nor excess"

Next we did a round of Taiji (right side) 

I finished with Healing Qigong

Monday, September 2, 2024

mysteries 1 - Micheal Phillips RIP

mysteries 2 - Micheal Phillips RIP

mysteries 3 - Michael Phillips R.I.P.

Monday Practice


The Details:

It's 64 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:17. It's forecast to be cool and clear today.

The Practice:

After going into Stop & Shop for a medium grocery shop and unloading and putting away the supplies I went out to my main practice area.

I started with a full round of The 10+ focused on the health benefits of regularly doing this set. 

I continue to work on evolving #6, #7 and #9. I've added The Dragons Back exercises to #7. I've been doing Baguazhang Yin Fu 8 Palms #3 and the two variations of the Linking 8 Palms Set too.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) focused on "Neither excess, nor deficiency, hollow nor projection, severance nor splice" throughout the round.

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did two rounds of Anyo Pito. I somehow ended up facing the wrong way at the ending. When that happens I do the form a second time; getting out of the way (mentally/emotionally) to the best of my ability.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata tuned into the quality of my techniques with the correct sequence. 

Time for lunch!!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Pride in craftsmanship

 Pride In Craftsmanship

Time is precious

 Time is precious, spend it wisely!

Ram Das Says:

 Ram Das

Sunday Practice - Day 8, 464


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:16. We're going to help Genna move this morning. 

The Practice:

I started with a full round of Yin Fu 8 Linking Palms around my Bagua Poles. I learned this Set directly from Dr. Leung Kay-Chi in the late 1980's. I did the two variations of #3 that I know.

                                            Dr. Leung performs "Snake and Hawk Palm" 

Next I did a brief Warm Up using the first few from The 10+ tuned into health

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) focused on 'swimming in air' and separating Jin, Qi and Shen and harmonizing them. I also focused on cultivating with nature.

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into correct sequence, stance work and applications.

Next I did a round of Kusanku Kata tuned into agility and the health benefits of this Kata.