Just before sunrise the beach walkers disturbed this flock of seagulls. They took off flying north.......
The Details:
It's in the high 50's at the house. I just checked and it's 63 at 10:20. The sunrise was at 7:18. The high tide was at 9:38.
The Practice:
My entire focus lately is using willpower to continue being consistent with my daily practice.
For reasons I don't entirely understand it's simultaneously easier to practice on the beach during sunrise even though it's challenging to get up on time and dressed appropriately for the beach.
It's really great to practice at sunrise on the beach, totally worth the extra effort. I'm hoping I can muster the willpower to continue making it to sunrise.
I made the extra effort to get out to the beach for sunrise this morning. Just before sunrise I QW to the beach with a camera and tripod.
After shooting the sunrise I started to practice; I did a full round of The 10+ tuned into consistency and overall health.
Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into mobility, agility and feeling Jin moving down and up my body through the JinLu and the 9 Zig Zag Path. I practiced in soft sand and felt the challenge to my single leg balancing.
Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong
Next I did a round on Anyo Tatlo tuned into the applications and mobility in this form.
Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata focused on deep stances, consistency and mobility.
Yesterday at dusk, I QW up to the beached sailboat. I did mobility stretching at the 1/2 point and then again on the 21st Ave Walkover. I also did a round of The 21 Qigong on the beach.