Sunday, June 30, 2024

Saturday Practice in Leyden


I shot this with my phone camera.

The Details:

It was in the 50's and raining this morning.

The Practice:

It was raining so I practiced up in the loft. I'm still not feeling well it seems The French Flu has settled in my chest. I have a productive cough and I continue to use Flonase to help clear the gunk from my sinuses. Oy!

I did a Round (left side) to Master T. T. Liang counting the beats to his music.

I finished with a short Standing session and a Healing Qigong

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Friday Practice in Leyden


I shot this image of my Tama 4 piece drum kit, with a 18" kick and my Premiere 2000 snare drum. I plan to use this kit with these cymbals for the afternoon party gig that I'm playing tomorrow afternoon in Greenfield. I'll tear them down and pack 'em up later today or early tomorrow morning. The gig is at 2 pm.

The Details:

It was in the 50's this morning. A cool start to the day. Very pleasant temperature to train in. 

The Practice:

I started with rudiments on a practice pad. Then I went out into The Barn for a practice session on my Tama drum kit, focused on trying to knock the rust off after 14 days of travel away from a drum kit. I did bring sticks with me and used them a few times to do rudiments on a foot stool in our state room. It's not good for the whole kit but it's very good for stick control. Ya kinda have to do some pad work, then rudiments on the kit with an ostinato with the feet; either quarter notes (4 on the floor) or Samba with the high hat on 2 & 4 or quarter notes. Great drummers take the time to develop at least a few of the 26 basic rudiments. At least Single and Double stroke rolls and Single Paradiddle. It's like the basics in martial arts. The master embraces the practice of basics. It's an aspect of refining one's art. 

Next I went outside to my main practice area near Big Greenie and did a full round of The 10+

I shot this with my phone camera. Ed came while we were away to mow the fields. He's been mowing every year since we moved here in 2003. Without his help the fields would be no longer. It would be small trees and underbrush.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into sinking my qi, feeling the earth pushing up against the bottoms of my feet and following Jin up to my finger tips.

I finished with a short Standing session and a Healing Qigong

Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursday Practice in France


I shot this with my phone camera at the Lufthansa Terminal in Lyon, France. A nice (for an airport) private area to complete my Round for the day. Yay!

The Details:

After an $80 ($150 EU round trip) EU cab ride back to the Lyon Airport on the outskirts of the city, an hour away, during morning rush hour. We proceeded to wait for our Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt Germany with a connection with United Airline to Washington D. C. with a connection to Harford CT. Oy!

The Practice:

I had the foresight to start my practice in the room at the Restid Hotel in Lyon before breakfast. I knew it was going to be a long day with little opportunity to find a private space to practice in. I did a brief warm up and a Round (right side) of Parts I & II focused on consistency. I finished at Lyon airport. I found a private area in the Lufthansa Terminal while we were waiting for our departure, which was postponed by 2 hours (of course!). I completed Part III tuned into 'getting it in". It turns out that, that was a good choice because the day went south as soon as we landed in Germany and the Frankfurt airport. It seems that the Frankfurt airport was closed all day on Wed. because of bad weather and of course there was the Aer Lingus strike that also affected air travel in Europe. Oy! 

Finding time to practice while traveling can be very challenging....Very!


Wednesday Practice in France


An example of the condition of the room that Viking Customer Service (Bron) reserved for us. Ugh!!

The Details:

We had a very difficult day of travel. Starting with Aer Lingus cancelling our flight to Dublin. We got to the airport in Lyon at 7:30 am for a 10:10 flight to Dublin with a connecting flight to Bradly in Hartford. First they postponed the flight until 1:00, they boarded the plane, then the pilot kept turning the refuel folks away until the crew's time elapsed and then they took us off the plane and cancelled the flight. What a mess!!

It meant that we needed to hire a taxi to go back to Lyon and stay in this very funky hotel....Oy!

The Practice: 

Once I realized that Viking Customer Service would not be able to help us get another room I did a practice in the room.

I started with a modified round of The 10+ tuned into consistency.

Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into consistency and big wide expansive postures. I was shot but I did 'get it in'.

Monday Practice on the Viking Ship Delling on the Rhone River in France


Taken with my phone camera from the bed in our state room. 

The Details:

I practiced late in the tiny state room #336 on the Viking Delling Ship. There was very, very little space to practice in and in the dark it was even more challenging. Oy!!

The Practice:

This was another 4 square feet Rounds (right side) focused on 'getting it in' which I generally refer to as being consistent. FYI - Consistency is what it's all about. I bring my Internal Practice (s) with me wherever I go. It it easy when I travel? Absolutely not!! This is an example of needing to get up out of bed, because when I reviewed the day (a very full day of touring France) I realized I hadn't done my basic Round of the Day. That was very uncomfortable and not a great round but a very important round as a reminder to practice early in the day. It made the next day (Tuesday) easier and better because of this one being so uncomfortable. 

One of the main purposes of my daily practice is to assist me in developing the Indomitable Spirit. Getting up out of a comfortable bed when you are dog tired to 'get in' a Round is tough. Give it a try and you'll see! 

Sunday, Tuesday Practice in France

                       I shot this with my phone camera on the upper deck of the Viking Delling Ship
The Details:
This trip has been very difficult to keep up with regular Internal Practice and the writing has been even more difficult without a computer. There's been a few days that I'm just trying to 'get it in'.
I'm back in Leyden and realize that I've got 4 days to journal so here goes:

The Practice: 
Sunday and Tuesday I had the best practices up on the deck. Both days I stayed back from the Included Viking Tours. Sunday I did the afternoon Steam Train Tour which was really fabulous! I'll post some photo's once I download and process the images from my Sony camera.

Both days I did a full round of The 10+ and they felt great!

Next I did a Round (left side both days) tuned into consistency and big wide open movement. I had the best practices of the trip on those days! Yay!!

I finished both days with a short Healing Qigong.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Saturday Practice - Viviers, France


Photo by Wayne D. Harvey. Me at the top of the hill in Viviers, France. Stunning views from up there.

I practiced in the cabin this morning. They had the top deck closed because we traveled North on the Rhone river under low bridges. 

I started with a brief round of the 10 + tuned into stretching. I had my left hamstring cramp up during the night. The stretching felt good!

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into consistency. It wasn't the best round I ever had. Another round using the four square feet principle. I didn't really have enough room to extend arms and legs. But I did get around in! If I find some green space later today I'll supplement and do another round. 

I found myself missing the wonderful spaces I have in Leyden and of course the beach in New Smyrna. 

I'm unable to post photos from my phone, but I will go back and post where I've been practicing when I get back to the States.

Friday Practice in Avignon, France


I practiced before breakfast up on the sun deck of the Viking Delling Ship. It was nice to have some space to move around in, after the last few days of practicing in super tight places.

I started with a modified round of The 10+ focused on stretching.

Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into big open movements.

It was nice to be outside in the fresh air with plenty of room to move around in.

I ended with a Healing Qigong.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Monday 6/17, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 6/20, Practice in France

I shot this image with my Sony camera outside a church we were touring Aux de Provence on Tuesday 6/18. 

Travel itinerary for Provence France June 17 - June 28

Monday 6/17 & Tuesday 6/18 in Aix De Provence

Wed. 6/19 bus to Tarascon to board the Delling ship

Thursday 6/20 sail south to Arles then sail back to Tarascon for the night

Friday 6/21 sail north to Avignon

Saturday 6/22 Birthdays for Wayne and GG. We sailed north to Viviers, our favorite medieval town. We had the best guide, a local named Janet. There were stunning views from the top of the hill where the Catholic Church was built. So beautiful!!

Photo by Wayne.

Sunday 6/23 sail north to Tournon

Monday 6/24 sail north to Vienne - No morning tour but we bused to medieval town of Perouge about an hour away. Awesome medieval town with a fortress church. It's often used as a movie set.

Tuesday 6/25 we sailed north to Lyon during the night. Lyon is a big, busy city, with tons of traffic and many, many stop lights. Very slow going at rush hours. I was happy that I wasn't driving.

Wed. 6/26 we're still docked in Lyon and all packed up. We needed to have our bags in the hallway at 5:45 am in order to depart for the Lyon airport at 6:30. The trip back was a nightmare because of the Aer Lingus was on strike. We ended up taking a taxi back to the bowels of Lyon ($75 EU each way) to stay at the filthy Restid Hotel. Oy Vey!

Thursday 6/27 after our flight on Lufthansa Airline (German) was postponed to Frankfurt. We stood in line for 3 hours to finally get some help from a Lufthansa Airline supervisor. He somehow managed to get us on flight from Frankfurt to Washington D. C. and then from D. C. to Bradly Field. We finally arrived home at 2am on Friday 6/28. 

We're both sick with this international bug were calling Le Crud Francaise

Thursday 6/27 we start out at the Restid Hotel and take a taxi (Amir) back to the Lyon airport. It was morning rush hour and slower and more costly. We arrived for a 10:40 am flight to Frankfurt that was postponed until 1 pm which meant we would miss our connection to Washington D. C.....After 4 hours with a Lufthansa Representative and thanks to him he did get us on a flight to D.C. with a connection to Harford CT. We didn't know if we would have to stay another night this time in Frankfurt! Oy

Friday 6/28 we arrived back in Leyden about 2 am! 


I shot this image of a fountain in Aux de Provence on our first day with my Sony mirror-less camera. Aux is known for it's many fountains.

We spent Sunday night flying to Paris, then Monday flying to Marseilles then a bus to Aix de Provence, north of Marseilles, spending Monday and Tuesday at the Grand Hotel Roi Rene in Aix. I was toast but I did a Round of Taiji (right side) in the hotel room focused on consistency. 

Tuesday morning I did a brief round in our room of The 10+ and a Round (right side) using the 4 square feet method. 

Wednesday I did another inside the hotel room practice in a super small space. Later I did a Round of Part I in the park down the street from the hotel. 

On Wednesday we left Aix and did a three hour bus ride to Tarascon. We stopped at the oldest still standing Roman bridge. They no longer allow cars to drive over it. You can walk or ride a bicycle across. We kept riding north to where we met up with Wayne and Bobby and boarded the Viking Delling Ship for the week. The river cruise sailed north up the Rhone River through 12 locks and 6 stops at medieval towns, churches and castles ending in Lyon for the last two days.

Thursday morning we sailed south to Arles. I did another Round (right side) in a small space in our state room on the boat, before breakfast and the morning tour of Arles. It reminded me of doing a Round in a airplane bathroom! 

The original "Starry Night" exhibited in Arles, where Vincent painted it when he was living there. Arles is also where he was hospitalized and where he lived for a short time with Paul Cezanne.  was vibrant,with so much depth. Truly a sight to see! It was worth the effort. We got there early enough and it was raining pretty hard, all of which kept the crowds down. Yay!

On the tour of Arles, we got to see the original "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh . It was incredible in person. We also got to tour a Roman Coliseum that is still standing and in regular use. It was amazing!

Later on Thursday we sailed back to Tarascon overnight.  Early on Thursday we sailed south to Arles. Later on Thursday we sailed north up the Rhone to Avignon to see medieval ruins. We were originally supposed to spend two days in Avignon but the Olympic Torch was traveling through Avignon on Wednesday so Viking changed the plan to start in Tarascon instead. So we only got one day in Avignon. 

Later on Thursday we sailed north to my favorite medieval town Viviers.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Practice - Travel Day

                   I shot this image with my phone camera, facing north towards my main practice spot.

The Details:

It's 49 here at the house. The sunrise is still at 5:12. Big travel day today; Hartford to Detroit, Detroit to Paris (overnight), Paris to Marseilles, Marseilles to Aix En Provence. Two night in Aix at the Hotel Roi Rene.

The Practice:

After packing and travel chores I went outside to my main practice spot.

I started with a round of The 10+ tuned into the transformation that occurs with long term daily practice.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into thickening the qi that's all around me "Swimming In Air".

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into the unique basics in this form.

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata focused on full extension of punches and kicks

I ended with a Healing Qigong.

Then final preparations and packing for the trip to France later today.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Practice


I shot this with my Sony mirrorless on a small tripod with a 10 second timer on the shutter. 
Holding The Moon

The Details:

It's 65 here at the house. The sunrise was at 5:12 again. 

The Practice:

I started with Standing on the lawn in front of The Barn. I wanted to be outside and I wanted to practice in the shade too. So I ended up on The Stone Patio.

I started with a round of The 10+ tuned into transformation and opening my body.

Next I did a Round (right side) to Master Liang counting out the beats to his music. I tuned into the gestalt (feeling) of doing a round after training the principles one by one and then putting it all together and getting the conscious mind out of the way. The 'forgetting' part of the four F's.

Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo tuned into the applications and agility in this form

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata tuned into applications and agility

I ended with a Healing Qigong.....Off to pack.....We leave tomorrow!! 

The Wild Goose Leaves The Flock a BaguaZhang Standing posture that I often use for inner cultivation.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Practice


The Details:

It's 65 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:12 again.

The Practice:

I started out on The Patio in front of The Barn, but then it started to rain so I moved inside The Barn and practiced on The Porch.

I was busy all morning with chores and packing for the trip to France on Sunday. I did a short TRX session after getting it set up in The Barn.

Next I did a Round (left side) to Master Liang counting out the beats to his Taiji Music, I tuned into Swimming In Air.

I ended with a Healing Qigong.

More packing and chores after lunch.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday Practice


The Details:

It's 55 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:12.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with 2 rounds of Low Family Staff. I focused on flow, basics and agility. This for is really coming along.

Next I went to my main practice area near Big Greenie to be in the shade. I brought a Spear to do a round of Bagua Spear that I've been working on and a review of the Taiji 13 Spear Two Person Set. I reviewed both sides. I really need a regular partner to fully flush this out. 

Next I went back to the driveway and did a round of The 10+ in the small shaded area near my garage. 

Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into connecting to nature's qi; The sights, sounds, feelings, and smells.....I had a profound connection to nature's qi all around me. With gratitude and appreciation.

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa tuned into sequence and quality basics.

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata tuned into the timing of stepping and blocking or punching and full extension on kicks and punches.

I finished with a Healing Qigong.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


                    I shot this image wide angle with my phone camera at the beginning of my practice.

I shot this with my Sony mirror-less camera. I'm thinking this is the camera I'll bring to France. It's light and has a telephoto lens. 

The Details:

It got down to the low 50's last night. The sunrise was at 5:12.

The Practice:

I practiced in the driveway before driving down to Hatfield to work with Paul

I started with a round of Low Family Staff, Taiji Staff and Monkey Staff tuned into the correct sequence and agility.

Next I did a round of The 10+ tuned into transformation and principles. I did Snake and Hawk Palm for #9

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into Zhong Ding and Swimming In Air.

I drove down to Hatfield in my Bimmer with the top down.

Shot this with my Sony camera right after arriving at Paul's.

Paul and I went upstairs to his Taiji Room to practice.

We started with a brief warm up, including walking in both directions around my knapsack, arm circles in both directions along with palm up and palms down and opening and closing the hands.

Next we did single Sinawalli and ended up alternating high palms. 

Next we did Single Arm Push-Hands emphasizing pushing and pulling. I encouraged him to use strength.

Paul's lower back and left hip and leg was bothering him. He was having difficulty standing up straight and balancing on his left leg.  

We finished with three rounds of the Introduction to the Taiji Solo Form tuned into the proper sequence and full extension. 

Next we did a Round of Part I focused on following me with correct sequence, direction and stance.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio

 The Details:

It got down to 51 overnight. Sunrise was at 5:12

The Practice:

I went into The Studio to teach Taiji and Qigong class. I had 5 students show up for class, all of them long term players with 20-40 years experience. (Wes, Nancy, Read, Janee and Lucy)

I started off with Single Hand Push-Hands, focused on the horizontal hand turning up as you shift back. 

Next we broke off into pairs to review The Two Person Taiji Dance. (San Shou)

Next I did a round of The 10 + with some explanation here and there. A brief demonstration and explanation of the 3rd Swing.

Next I did a Standing session going from Holding The Moon to Play Guitar on both sides.

Next I did a round of The 21 (Taiji Qigong) tuned into the breathing and opening the body.

Next we did a group Round of Taiji tuned into the principles.

Next I did a Healing Qigong

After class I stayed and did a round of The Dance with Read tuned into the sequence and timing.

Next I did a round of Taiji Jian reciting the names of the postures out loud.

Next I went to the YMCA for a round of CYBEX

Afterwards I went to the bank to make a deposit and to TITO's for a couple of pulled pork bowls, then homeward bound. 

Monday Practice

 The Details:

It got down to 51 last night. Sunrise was at 5:12

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with a 6' Staff Warm Up followed by a round of Monkey Staff, Taiji Staff and Low Family Staff Forms and basics.

I focused on the end of Monkey Staff and filmed it (Sony mirror less) and the sequence in Low Family. I'm getting a bit confused in both spots. The primary technique I use when rehabbing a sequence is to 'not think too much' and let my unconscious take over. I've done these forms hundreds if not thousands of times. It's 'in' there, I just have to 'get out of the way' MUSHIN - Mind/No Mind'

Next I went up to my main practice spot in the shade with Big Greenie and did a round of The 10+. I focused on opening my body and mind.

Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into counter balancing and adjusting Brush Knee Twist. Letting the image of B P Chan resonate and adjust my form.

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa tuned into applications and quality basics

Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata focused on the changes I'm pondering.

I ended with short Healing Qigong.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Join me tomorrow morning - Tuesday 6/11/24 @ The Studio


You are invited to join me tomorrow morning:

Tuesday 6/11/24


8-9:30 am


The Studio


Taiji & Qigong Class

(suggested $25 mat fee)

Please email me if you plan on attending. Hope to see you then!

Email Sifu Roy

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Practice

                                   My music studio is in the north end of The Loft. 

The Details:

It's 58 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:12. It's pouring rain this morning. A steady soaking kind of rain and a bit cool too.

The Practice:

Because of the rain and cold I practiced up in The Loft.

I started with a full (ish) round of The 10+

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into the internal transformation that occurs during a long period of daily practice when one adheres to the principles. I also tuned into the Yin/Yang of Taiji applications.

I finished with a Healing Qigong.


A short practice today. 

We're doing a lot of packing and preparing for our trip to France next Sunday.

We're going on our first Viking River Cruise, traveling from Avignon to Lyon on the Rhone River. We're excited and looking forward to the adventure.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday Practice @ The Studio


Shot in haste with my phone camera. I stayed for the Youth Karate Class. There were a few I recognized and a few that I hadn't met yet.

The Details:

It's 60 at the house. Sunrise was at 5:12

The Practice:

I went into The Studio early to surprise Jeff. It's his 40th Bday tomorrow. Shhhh! Mum's the word;^)

We did a full review of The Taiji Two Person Dance.

When the class showed up I talked to them about Yin/Yang theory in relationship to receiving and issuing.

We then did Single Arm Push-Hands with that in mind.

I talked about the horizontal hand in Push-Hands practice and then related that to Solo Form Practice. It's a wonderful way to adjust your YI (mind-intent). Identifying Yin/Yang is essential to good internal practice.

Next we did a Round of Taiji Part I on the left side and Parts II and III on the right side, staying focused on Roll Back and it's external and internal details.

I ended with a short Healing Qigong.

I stayed for half the Youth Karate Class

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Practice - Three Heavies & Three Lights


The Details:

It's 60 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:13.

The Practice:

I practiced in my main practice spot. It was shaded and full of Tree Qi, just a delightful spot to practice internal arts. With gratitude and appreciation.

I started with a full round of The 10+ tuned into the multitude of health benefits that I get from regularly doing this set. Bow to Dr. Leung Kay-Chi for teaching them to me back in '79.

Note: I've been doing Snake & Hawk Palm for #9 regularly and again today. Very productive!

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into keeping the correct sequence and staying on the left side without inadvertently switching to the right. Both sides feel exactly the same to me these days. I guess I've graduated? Well it certainly takes more attention to the sequence. Lately I feel that it's a type of daydreaming that pulls me out of the correct sequence. 

Doing 'A Round A Day' is so ordinary for me, at this point, that it's changed, like it or not, that's what happens as time goes on. You can run but you can not hide from father time. My advice is to relax and enjoy the experience. 

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo focused on quality basics and full extension of the kicks.

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata tuned into the internal aspects of this form, connecting the breath and tan t'ien movements to the fist, fingers and palms.

Next I used my Dragon Canes to do a double stick warm up and Arnis basics. Followed by a round of Taiji Double Dao (broadsword) Form. Tuned into using the canes as you would Indian Clubs for health and longevity. IF you use heavy enough canes a lot of Modern Arnis techniques can be used just like Indian Clubs....Cool! 

I finished with a Healing Qigong.

An excerpt from Master Paul Gallagher's book Drawing Silk:

Three Heavies and Three Lights:

Using this principle you can create relaxation with alert awareness throughout your body. (Heavy means sunk and deeply relaxed and has no connotations of stiffness or immobility). Keep your knees heavy (slightly bent), elbows heavy (to relax shoulders and chest), and tip of lower spine heavy (like the plumb on the end of a line), fingertips light, and eyes light (no fixed or strained expression). The light head and fingertips counterbalance the heavy coccyx and elbows.

Timing for Modern Arnis' Trapping Hands with Sifu

Sifu Roy and Sensei Chaisson demonstrating a timing drill for Modern Arnis Trapping Hands

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday Practice - "Freedom comes through discipline"


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:13.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with Jian Yang Standing, then did a round of Taiji Jian tuned into the quality of the postures, stance work, the helping hand and applications. 

Next I did two rows of Lazy D with the Jian in the left hand tuned into the tip of the Jean.

Next I went to my main practice spot and did a round of Yin Style Baguazhang 8 Palms Form. I recited the names of the first 4 changes as I did them. 

Next I did a full Round of Taiji (right side) tuned into not over thinking, feeling and sinking my qi.

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito tuned into full extension on the kicks and the quality of the punches.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata tuned into the flow of the sequence and the quality of the individual techniques.

I finished with a Healing Qigong....

Next I prepared for a scheduled guitar lesson with Shubal at noon. It was a great lesson on finger picking style guitar. Shubal is a master of guitar playing and very knowledgeable about guitar theory. 

Next off to Noho to look at a Toyota 4-Runner. We took it out on the highway and it shimmied at highway speed. 

Then we went to Paul & Elizabeth's for Dinner. Fabulous meal, excellent service too! 

*An excerpt from Master Paul Gallagher's book Drawing Silk:

"Truly, freedom comes through discipline. For the diligent practitioner eventually comes to realize how the actions and indeed the entire gamut of daily Taiji Quan practice compel him to perceive his own weaknesses and to overcome them. The movements, though they may appear 'effortless,' are surely not perfected without effort, and going through an entire sequence of movement amidst the business of daily life demands that one be patient and persevering. Hence, during the process of learning this art, practicing it daily, and of perfecting it, one is made to confront one's deficiencies both mental (impatience, lack of concentrations, etc.) and physical (weak legs, waist, etc.) and through gradual practice, without haste or anxiety, to overcome them."

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's

The Details:

It's 65 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:13.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with a mini round of The 10+

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into consistency 

Next I drove to Hatfield to train with Paul. Erik was there when I arrived but left to go look at sports cars for sale (Kittredge Colection)

We went upstairs to Paul's Taiji Room. 

We worked on various things that seem to work for Paul. He had several exercises that really connected his mind to his body with almost immediate results. Yay!

Paul had some PT help to develop a safe (r) method of navigating the flight of stairs up to his Taiji Room. He looked really good going up and much safer going down. Yay!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio - Yin/Yang


The Details:

It's 59 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:14.

The Practice:

I arrived at The Studio about 15 minutes early. It was 79 in the room....The heat must have been on all night! I shut the heat OFF and turned on all the fans, opened the windows and put a fan in one of them. All was well. 

The theme for the class was Yin/Yang and how that relates to Taiji training, push-hands and martial arts in general. 

After a brief discussion we started with single hand Push-Hands, tuned into issuing and receiving. I likened it to playing catch with a ball. One ball, two people...It's difficult to get confused about who is throwing and who is catching the ball. This is not the case with complex two person exercises like the Taiji Dance or Tapi Tapi in Modern Arnis. 

Next we paired up and practiced The Taiji Two Person Dance. I worked with Read on Parts III, IV and V.

Next we did a Round of Taiji. Starting of on the left side for Part I and then Parts II & III on the right side. Attempting to stay focused on the Yin/Yang (receive/issue) throughout the postures, with a minor focus on visualizing applications.

At 9 I did a very brief run through of The 10+ with those that could stay.

I had a 10:15 appointment in Brattleboro VT

Next I drove back down Rt. I 91 to Sweet Lucy's in Bernardston MA to buy some dessert for tonight's neighborhood gathering.

After a short stop, I headed home....Finally! 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Modern Arnis Workshop June 2, 2024 with Sifu J. R. Roy

Yang Chengfu: Comparisons of Four Disciples' Forms

Monday Practice


The Details:

It's 66 at the house. I woke up to a skunk smell. Last night the coyote's were loud enough (close enough) to wake us up. It's a bit unnerving to have them that close, unusual too!

The sunrise was at 5:14.

The Practice:

I thought I'd practice in the driveway but reconsidered after taking a few photos.

The Iris are blooming! But it was too hot to practice in the heat of the sun. It's supposed to be in the 80's this afternoon!

After retreating to the shade I used my Dragon Sticks to do a session of Double Cane exercises, tuned into using my waist during Fluid Attacks and my shoulders during Around The Head. I changed the target from side to front to side during the alternating Around The Head exercise. Great I idea for multiple attacks.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ tuned into the benefits from daily practice of this marvelous set. Many thanks to Dr Leung Kay-Chi RIP Gone but not forgotten.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into the experience from a meditative point of view. Present but detached at the same time. Harmonizing Jin, Qi and Shen!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Practice - @ The Studio


I  I went in to The Studio to teach a Modern Arnis Workshop from 10-Noon
Before driving into Greenfield I practiced in the driveway.

I did a brief modified round of The 10+ to warm up and then a Round (right side) tuned into the benefit of daily practice. 

Next I drove into The Studio for 9:30 to meet with Jeff but when I got to the Police Station I realized I had left my glasses at home! So I truned around and went back home to retrieve them...Ugh! 

A good group showed up for the Workshop. I was very happy to see Luke and Phil as well as all the rest. I counted 9 students including Jeff.

I started with a double stick warm and seguied to a 1 & 2 two person exercise, then I added Reinforced Block with Triangular Stance Work. I transitioned to a simple Tapi Tapi drill.

We eventually arrived at Trapping Hands and Mobility Throw. 

I ended with the Goose Story.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Rhododendrons are blooming


Saturday Practice - Set your life on fire - Day 8,372

 I stared with Standing (Holding The Moon) on the deck. I shot this with a remote bluetooth shutter connected to my phone camera on a tripod. It worked!! Yay!

The Details:

It got down to the mid 40's last night. Brrrr! The sunrise was at 5:15. It looks like it's going to be a blue bird kind of day!

The Practice:

I practiced out in my main practice spot near Big Greenie

I started with a full round of The 10 + focused on material that I may present tomorrow at the Modern Arnis Workshop that I'm giving tomorrow morning at The Studio. I also tuned into #9 and did several round of Snake and Hawk Palm. I also did a few from the first set. I did these iterations around my main Bagua Tree. The relationship to a target (set point) is a crucial link to martial attributes. Bagua, Arnis, Karate and Taiji all need a set point, be it a person, a tree, a??? but something, in order to develop the correct body position, distance and timing for you personally, nobody can do it for you. The distance and body position in relationship to a target is personal, unique and highly individual.

I interspersed weeding my practice spot. There's a fair number of grassy clumps that are ripe for the picking/weeding. It's very satisfying to see the practice space free of weeds.

Next I did a Round (left side) focused on transformation and application. There's some nuance that I noticed when I recently watched B. P. Chan practicing his version of Taiji. Especially in Brush Knee And Twist Step. I've been pondering, researching and contemplating that posture and transitions to it.

Next I did another round of Anyo Anim tuned into the applications leading to drills I may use tomorrow at the Modern Arnis Workshop. 

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata focused on correct technique and the sequence, especially at the end. 

I finished with a Healing Qigong......

"Set your life on fire,

Seek those that fan your flames"
