Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tuesday 'New Years Eve Day' Practice


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:18. The high tide was at 8:57. It's the last sunrise of the year, I'm going to try and make it and take some photos. 

The Practice:

I QW to the beach to capture the final sunrise of the year. I haven't been making it down to the beach very often for sunrise this season. I made an effort to be there this morning. After setting up my tripod and camera I met Jamie and then Roger.

After snapping a few photos of the sunrise I began my practice with a full round of The 10+ focused on Willpower and consistency. I celebrated the fact that at 73 I'm still moving pain free. Martial Arts works for health but you still have to 'do it', ceaselessly as you age. 

Next I did a Round (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics as I did Part I. I had a profound connection to The Atlantic Ocean and nature in general. I focused on the horizon and contemplated how many of my ancestors witnessed sunrises throughout history. Gives me chills when tap into that.

Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa focused on applications and health.

Marty, Ginnie and Echo showed up on the beach and I stopped to talk to them.

After they left I did a round of Seisan Kata focused on consistency, willpower and quality basics.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Youth Karate Class at The Wells Street Dojo


                                                     Do you recognize any faces? Email me.....

                                       This photo was taken in the early 1980's (I'm guessing)

email Sifu Roy

Your Diaphragm does more that just help you breath


Diaphragm does more than just help us breath

Monday Practice


The Details:

It's 69 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:18. The high tide was at 8:14.

The Practice:

I started inside reading a poem from Mary Oliver's book Evidence and then acoustic guitar practice.

It kept getting late so I went out to The Backyard around 10:30 to practice. 

I started with a round of Taiji Double Dao using my Dragon Canes. I focused on shoulder and wrist health derived from the 'round the head' sequences.

Next I did a brief Warm Up using the first few of The 10 focused on health and consistency.

Next I did a Round (left side) focused on consistency and willpower. It was a choppy Round because the Wire 3 sales guy was making rounds and we signed up for an install to try it out. The install is going to be tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 8:30 am.

I finished (finally!) with STP and Healing Qigong before working out the details with Cecil Sapp the Wire 3 sales guy.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Yang Chen Fu's 10 guiding points

 1. Elevate the crown and lift the spirit, the head should be upright so the Shen or (spirit) can reach the top of your head.  Don’t use Li (force), or the neck will be stiff and the chi (breath) and blood can not flow through to the head.  The feeling should be natural and buoyant.  Remember, if your head is not up your spirit will not be raised.

2. Contain the chest, expand the back.  The chest is slightly sunken so that the chi can sink to the dantien, If the chi gets stuck in the chest, the body will become top heavy and you will be easily uprooted.  The back should be lifted or plucked up to avoid promoting kyphosis and also as a way to release power (jin) through the spine.  

3.  Sung (Relax) your waist, the waist is the commander in charge of your whole body.  If you can relax your waist then your legs will have the power and your lower parts will be stable and strong.  It is said that the origin of the postures (jins) comes from the waist.  If you lack power, the defect is in the legs and waist.

4.  Understand the difference between insubstantial and substantial, this is one of the very first things you will learn in Tai Chi Chuan.  If the weight is on the right leg, then the right leg is substantial and the left leg is insubstantial.  When these can be separated and consciously acknowledged, you will be able to turn lightly without using any tension or stress.  If you cannot get this concept your step will be heavy and slow and your stance will not be steady, then you will easily be thrown off balance.

5.  Sink the shoulders and drop down the elbows.  Your shoulders should be completely relaxed downward and open to the sides, the opposite of this is uptight with the shoulders lifted up and in, this is a powerless state.  Sink the elbows, this means that your elbows move downward and stay relaxed, if you raise the elbows the shoulders also go up.  Keeping the shoulders and elbows down gives your body internal power that can be used to throw your opponent far. The health benefits of this principle are too numerous to name here.

6.  Use the mind (Yi) and not force (Li).  When practicing Tai Chi Chuan your whole body relaxes.  The tai chi chuan classics tell us to use (yi) the mind, and not (li) force.  When you practice tai chi chuan the whole body relaxes, not even letting one ounce of force remain anywhere in the body.  When this is achieved you become agile and able to change easily.  The classics say when you are extremely soft, then you become extremely hard and strong.  A person with these qualities will have arms like iron wrapped in cotton and the weight of them is very heavy.  This is a powerful state of being in Yang Tai Chi.

7.  Coordinate the upper and lower body.  The classics tell us that “the motion should be rooted in the feet, released through the legs, controlled by the waist and manifested through the fingers.”  The whole body moves as one unit, nothing broken or disconnected between upper and lower body. Opening the Mingmen on the lower back (yao) and turning from the hip joint (kwa) helps this union between upper and lower body

8.  Internal and external coordinate.  Called the 6 harmony’s, we will start with the 3 Internal harmony’s (San Nei He) 1.  Shen / Yi (Spirit / Mind or Intention)  2. Yi / Qi (Intention / Energy)  3. Qi / Li (Energy / Body)

When the spirit (Shen) is raised the mind/ intention (Yi) can focus.  Now that the intention (Yi) is high, the energy  (Qi) is full and follows.  When the energy (Qi) is activated, the body is pulled, these are the 3 Internal Harmony’s.

The 3 External energies (San Wei He) are 1. Shoulder / Hip. 2. Elbow / Knees.  3. Hand / Foot.  

As you move, the external body coordinates as you relax (fang song) the shoulders into the hips, the elbows into the knees and the hands into the feet.  Relaxing into the movements sends the energy and blood (QiXue) out to the limbs, now the whole body is nourished, regulating blood pressure, relaxing the soft tissues and veins/arteries and calming the entire nervous system.  The mind and body are now working together through the 6 harmony’s as we practice our form.  The Tai Chi Classics say the body moves as one unit, however in applying these 6 harmony’s  we can see that although the body moves as one unit, it does not all move at the same time.

9.  Continuity without breakage.  From beginning to end Tai Chi movement is continuous and not broken, after each movement its starts again circulating without any end.  It is circular in motion like a continuous wave without limits.  The classics tell us the circulation of (jin) is like pulling silk, everything is connected together. The form does allow for a brief rest at the end of the movement before going onto the next. The classics tell us the jin is broken the yi is not.

10.  Seek stillness within movement.  In Tai Chi we use stillness to control movement, even though we are moving, there is still stillness.  It is good to practice your form slowly, with calmness and awareness.  Meditation alone always seeks movement is stillness, but in Tai Chi Chuan we seek stillness in movement.  Tai Chi is known as moving meditation.

Copied from Tai Chi Colorado Springs

Sunday Practice


The Details:

It's 70 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:17. The high tide was at 7:37. It's been foggy the past few days. 

The Practice:

I started in the house reading a poem by Mary Oliver and guitar practice

Next I went QW to the beach to practice.

I started with a full round of The 10+ focused on consistency and health. I analyzed and monitored my Sit Bones and Pelvic Floor while I was doing a Deep Squat.

Next I did a Round (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I focused on the Three Bowls, opening and closing the Kua and how that affects the SI Joint, Sit Bones and Pelvic Floor (Prostate). I also focused on Counter Balancing and adjusting the timing of my hand position while doing the Kick sequences; adjusting in order to super charge the affect that the Kick can have for my physical balance as I age. 

Note: Aging is a humbling experience for everyone that is lucky enough to experience it. After 70 taking care of yourself becomes a full time j o b! Hopefully you've developed enough Will Power to overcome the natural tendency to be more and more comfortable. FYI - Change and growth on any level is not comfortable. 

My advice for healthy aging: 

1. Keep Moving

2. Never, Ever Give Up

3. Instead of Quitting: Rest When Needed

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa tuned into Flow, Pop and full extension. I'm back and #1 in the rotation! 

Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata focused on solidifying the changes that I'm making to that Kata. The changes are really starting to jell. Yay!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday Practice


The Details:

It's 64 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:17. The high tide was at 6:45. 

The Practice: 

I started inside with a reading of "Spring" by Mary Oliver. Here is the very beginning of the poem:


is the instructor.

We need no other."

Next I did a guitar practice focusing on Freight Train and Sugar Babe. I'm having a challenging time trying not to mute/dampen the second bass note....Oy! I'm taking my time paying special attention to the second bass note ringing without any muting. I'm sufficiently challenged and frustrated, I know I'm on the right path but it sure is demanding a whole bunch of patience!!

Next I did Drum Set practice; I worked with Steve Gadds book  "Gadiments"  on page #23: Single Drags W/Flams. Interesting exercises, that I found useful among other things, but especially for stick control.

Next I went out to The Backyard and did a round of Taiji Cane using a wooden Bokuto (a single edged Japanese wooden sword used for training kenjitsu.) I focused on the health benefits to my shoulders, legs and grip strength.

Next I used the Bokuto to do a round of the Modern Arnis Cane Anyo 1-4, on both sides.

Next I used a wooden Jian to do a round of Taiji Jian Form reciting the names of the postures throughout.

Next I did a brief Warm Up using the first few of The 10 focused on consistency and health.

Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into my Kua opening and closing, Jin moving down and up the 9 zig zag path through the Jinlu. 

Next I did a brief SPT and Healing Qigong.

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo focused on quality punches and kicks with full extension and pop (focus).

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata focused on connecting my Tan T'ien (Hara) and my punches and monitoring the quality of my contraction (Isometric and Dynamic contractions). 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Friday Practice


The Details:

It's 64 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:17. The high tide was at 6:07. It's raining! Not sure where I'll be practicing today?!? Hmmm! It stopped raining so I went out to practice on the beach. 

The Practice:

I started inside reading the Mary Oliver poem "We Shake With Joy":

"We shake with joy, we shake with grief.

What a time they have, these two

housed as they are in the same body."

Next I QW to the beach to practice. I stopped to talk to Dave (the airline pilot) who introduced me to his tree trimming guy Shawn. We talked about the importance of cleaning your pruning tools with alchohol and how expensive Canary Island Palms are! 

On the way to the beach I did mobility stretching on the 22nd Ave. Walkover. 

Once I got on the beach, I did a full round of The 10+ tuned into consistency, Will Power and overall health.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) tuned in to a profound connection with nature, especially the Atlantic Ocean.

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito tuned into applications and the quality of my basics.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata tuned into the details of this Kata, mobility, agility and stretch. 

I finished with SPT and Healing Qigong before returning to the house. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thursday Practice

 The Details:

It's 61 at the house (10 in Leyden!). The sunrise was at 7:16. The high tide was at 5:22. 

The Practice:

I'm moving a little slowly this morning. Too much to eat yesterday? Oy!

I started inside with reading Mary Oliver's poem "Then Bluebird Sang" and acoustic guitar practice.

At 10:00 I QW to the beach to practice.

I did a full round of The 10+ tuned into Will Power, consistency and overall health.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into the 'Three Bowls' remaining vertically aligned and moving in a way that water doesn't spill, like serving tea on a tray.

Next I did SPT (Standing Post Training) and Healing Qigong.

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat focused on applications and light body.

Next I did a round of Kusanku Kata focused on mobility and agility.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wednesday Christmas Day Practice

                                                                 Merry Christmas! 

                                     Aren't you happy that it's not your sailboat...Oy!

The Details:

It's 58 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:16. The low tide was at 10:46.  

The Practice:

It's Christmas morning so I'm trying to fit in a short practice so that it doesn't interfere with family Christmas stuff.

I went out to the Backyard when GG took Echo out for his morning walk.

I started with a brief Warm Up using the first few of The 10 focused on Will Power and consistency for health.

Next I did a Round (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I focused on being consistent. It can be challenging to find the 'right' time to practice on the holidays. 

I finished with a brief SPT and Healing Qigong before going back inside to make breakfast. Special French toast with bacon and virgin mimosas...Yum!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Tuesday Christmas Eve Day Practice


The Details:

It's 57 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:15. The low tide was at 10:01. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all that are reading this. Wishing you all the best Holidays from the Staff and Students at the J. R. Roy Martial Arts Studio (JRRMAS)! 

The Practice:

I started inside with a reading from Mary Oliver's book. This morning I recited out loud the poem "Violets"

I also did a brief acoustic guitar practice, mostly working on Freight Train. It's coming along slowly.

Afterwards I went out to The Backyard and started with a brief Warm Up using the first few of The 10

Next I did a Round (left side) to the music with Master T. T. Liang counting out the beats. I observed it from a meditative point of view throughout the round, looking to see if the principles were present without conscious thought........after 40+ years of practice. I'm finding it challenging to 'not think' just 'do'!

Next I came back inside to help pick up the house clutter. We have guests coming for tea/coffee around noon. 

Yesterday afternoon:

First I went to the gym to do resistance training. Twice last week and again this week. I guess I'm on a roll?

Next I QW the Beach north just past The Pelican Condos. I did a brief mobility stretch at the 1/2 point and again on 21st Ave Walkover before returning to the house to make supper.

High tide must have floated the sailboat enough to get the bow heading in the correct direction. The keel is still buried in the sand. That is going to be very expensive to get it towed out to deeper water. Oy!!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday Practice


The Details:

It was 62 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:15. The low tide was at 9:05. It's a bit warmer this morning. Yay! It was 4 in Leyden! 

The Practice:

I QW to practice on The Beach at 9:00. There was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on.

I began with a full round of The 10+ tuned into WillPower and Self-Discipline. I tuned into balancing the right and left sides.

Next I did a Round (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Parts I & II. I found myself focused on Health and Longevity.

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into the quality of my postures and techniques.

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata focused on timing and full extension of punches and kicks.

I ended with SPT and Healing Qigong while QW back to the house.

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW north to snap a photo of this sailboat that got stranded on the beach just north of The Pelican Condos. 

I did a brief mobility stretch at the 1/2 point and calisthenics on the 21st Ave. Walkover.

I felt bad for the folks that own this sailboat. I hope that high tide got them repositioned so that they could be pulled out of the sand. I'm assuming it's a keel boat with several feet of the keel now in the sand. Oy!!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunday Practice


The Details:

It's 51 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:15. The low tide was at 8:08. We bumped the heat a few degrees this morning. It's cold out! I just checked the temp in Leyden and out back it was 4 degrees. Oy!

The Practice:

I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. I'm making progress, but it's slower that I'd like it to be. Oy!

Next I went out to the Backyard around 10 ish. It had warmed up a enough to make it comfortable to practice outside.

I started with a full round of The 10+ focused on Will Power = Self-Discipline, which leads to the consistency that is imperative for exercise to work medically for overall health and longevity. 

Next I did a Round (right side) to Master T. T. Liang counting out the beats to the Taiji Music. I tuned into the Yin/Yang of Stillness balanced with Motion. I also tuned into the handing off of Zhong Ding from foot to foot, looking closely at the moment in time where balancing is happening in-between switching from foot to foot. 

Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo focused on making my body lighter during the leaps and adding more focus on my punches.

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata tuned into the particulars and details of this Kata and overall health and consistency.

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW (Qigong Walk) north to The Pelican Condos. I did a brief round of mobility stretching at the 1/2 way point. 

Next I did Wuji Hundun Qigong while QW south.

Next I did calisthenics on 21st Ave. Walkover. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday Practice


The Details:

It's only 50 at the house. Brrrr! The sunrise was at 7:14. The low tide was at 7:12. It's cold outside, so I'm going to wait until it warms up a little before I decide where I'm going to do this mornings practice.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW the Beach south just past the 27th. I did a round of The 21 Qigong when I got back to 21st Ave. I did a short round of calisthenics on 21st Ave. Walkover. 


I started inside with acoustic guitar practice working on Sugar Babe and Freight Train.

Next I went to The Backyard and started with a Modern Arnis Cane Warm Up.

Next I did a brief warm up using the first few of The 10 tuned into consistency and Will Power.

Next I used my aluminum double broadsword set to do a round of Taiji Double Dao form focused on health and Will Power.

Next I did a round of Taiji (left side) focused on Mind No Mind observing the quality of my postures. I had a profound feeling of Qi gathering in my lower Tan T'ien and feeling Jin moving up and down The 9 Zig Zag Parth through the Jin Lu. 

Next I did a round of Standing Post Training (SPT)

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa tuned into applications and the sequence.

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata focusd on timing and full extension with pop on my punches and kicks.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Friday Practice


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The low tide was at 6:17. The sunrise was at 7:14. Echo got into a bag of chocolate overnight...Oy! I had an 8-9 video call with Jeff this morning. It happens that we only met until 8:30 because Eli has Strep Throat. Oy!

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:
I QW the Beach north towards The Pelican Condos, I did mobility stretching at the 1/2 way point. I was pretty sore/stiff from resistance training at the gym yesterday.


I QW to the beach just before sunrise. It was a washout with a very heavy cloud bank on the horizon. I shot the above image about 20 minutes after sunrise when a momentary splash of color appeared.

I started with a brief warm up using the first few of The 10 focused on health and consistency.

Next I did a Round (right side) focused on feeling and connecting to nature. I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I. I found myself using Counter Balancing more than usual because the sand I was practicing on close to the water would get mushy which makes balancing on one leg substantially more challenging. I was challenged!! Oy!

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa tuned into the flow with quality basics.

Next I did a round on Naihanchi Kata focused on smoothing out the changes that I'm making to that form.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Thursday Practice


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:13. The low tide was at 5:21. I'm going out to the beach close to sunrise to practice. We are going up to Moose Haven to visit Mom. Chris and Jim are meeting us there for our annual holiday gathering with Mom.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW north toward The Pelican Condos. Mobility stretching at the 1/2 point and then again on the 21st Ave Walkover. 


At sunrise I QW down to the beach to practice. I had just missed the actual sunrise but frankly it was so fogy that I wouldn't have been able to see it of photograph it anyway.

I started by doing a brief mobility stretch on the 22nd Ave Walkover.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ on the beach. I used Will Power to start and finish.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into the feeling of doing Taiji, on the beach at sunrise. Awesome!!

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo tuned into quality basics with full extension and power

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata focused on abdominal breathing and the amount and quality of isometric tension. 

Wednesday Practice


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:13. The last low tide was at 4:27.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW north past The Pelican Condos. I did mobility stretching at the 1/2 way point and calisthenics on the 21st Ave Walkover.


I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. I'm scheduled for a lesson 11-12 this morning.

I QW to the beach and did a short mobility stretch on the Walkover.

Next I found a spot on the beach and began with a full round of The 10+ focused on Will Power to Self-Discipline myself to 'don't think, just do'.

Next I did a Round (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I tuned into Will Power throughout the session. 

Next I used "Wild Goose Leaves The Flock" as a Standing Posture for cultivating natures Qi.

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito tuned into the sequence and applications.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata focused on the correct sequence, solid basics and will power.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Thoracic Rotation


Thoracic Rotation

Tuesday Practice


The Details:

It's 69 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:12. The low tide was at 3:36. 

The Practice:

I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. 

When I went out to the beach to practice at 9:00 the tide was still coming up. The high tide was at 10:06. I used the shady spot next to the sea wall for Coastal Sands Condos. It's the same spot that I used yesterday.

I started on the 22nd Ave Walkover with hip flexors, big toe and knee mobility stretched along with Heel Stomps. 

Next I went on the beach and connected to nature by regulating my mind then I did a full round of The 10+ using Hawk and Snake Palm for #9.

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I tuned into a profound connection to nature and expanding and contracting throughout the form.

Next I did Standing Post Training (SPT) and Healing Qigong extending Healing Energy to all my family, friends and all sentient beings throughout the universe(s).

Next I did a round of Anyo Anim tuned into applications and sequence.

Next I did a round of Kusanku Kata focused on agility, mobility and overall health. Note: There are alot of opportunities in this form to work on leg strength and mobility.

I finished with picking up plastic (mostly water bottle tops!) from the beach. There is so much plastic on the beach these days it's alarming! Ugh!!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday Practice

The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:12. The high tide was at  9:17.

The Practice:

I walked to the beach around 9:00 just to see what's what at high tide; there was a small bit of beach in the shade of the Sea Wall at 22nd Ave.

I started on the Walkover with Zen Dashi stretches for my hip flexors and big toes and Heel Stomps.

Next I went on to the beach and did a full round of The 10+ focused on consistency and health.

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I had a profound connection to nature throughout the Round.

Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Lima tuned into applications and flow of sequence becoming easier and easier.

Next I did a round of Chinto Kata tuned into mobility, agility and longevity.

I ended with calisthenics on the Walkover before returning to the house.

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW north just past The Pelican Condos. I did a round of The 21 Qigong when I arrived back at the 21st Ave Walkover. I've added awareness of mini-hip flexor stretch, bit toe and foot stretch along with rotational movement of my rib cage and abdominal breathing (Taoist Longevity Breathing TLB) to my QW.

I finished with calisthenics on the Walkover before returning back to the house.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday Practice

1 & 1/2 hours after high tide there was plenty of beach to practice on.
The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:11. The high tide was at 8:26. 

The Practice:

At 10:00 I went out to the beach to practice. I started on the 22nd Ave Walkover with mobility stretching and Heel Stomps.

Once I chose a spot on the beach to practice on I did a full round of The 10+ tuned into consistency and overall health. 

                             At high tide the water is up over the lower steps these days! Oy!!

Next I did a Round (left side) of Taijiquan focused on the principles described in the Taiji Classics. I tuned into Song Jin and Peng Jin. 

Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into applications and snap.

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata - I noticed I segued to Seisan Kata towards the end of Wansu Kata. I started Wansu over from the beginning and focused on the sequence. 

Yesterday (Saturday) I QW north and did a round of Cheng Style Baguazhang's Yin/Yang Circle Walking along with a brief round of calisthenics on the 21st Ave Walkover.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Saturday Practice


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:10. The high tide was at 7:34.

The Practice:

I started with a full Modern Arnis Cane Warm Up using my Dragon Canes. I focused on wrist, forearm and shoulder strength and health.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ tuned in to health, mobility, agility and consistency. At #9 I did a full round of Yin Fu 8 Palms Baguazhang reciting the names of postures when possible. I'm mainly focused on doing Baguazhang everyday for the health benefits and to solidify the changes I'm embracing in this set.

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I tuned into calibrating my mind striving for a tranquil state with inner feeling and quietly observing my postures monitoring the principles. I tuned into:

"*One part starts, all parts start. 

One part stops, all parts stop*"


"**There is neither severance nor splice**"

It felt as if my body was like a whip; when you shake the handle (Song to the feet), that action ripples up the whip, increasing in speed until it reaches the tip (fingers) and manifests. The resulting sound is actually the tip of the whip (cracking) breaking of the sound barrier (Fa Jin). 

*When I felt Jin reach my fingers, I retained the Jin/Qi internally in calm contemplation.*

**The whip is in continual motion after each shaking of the handle but is still after the tip cracks.**

Next I did SPT,  Pulling Qi Qigong and Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo focused on the jumps and the overall quality of my basics.

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata tuned into the specifics of this Kata and consistency of practice.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday Practice

 The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:10. The high tide was at 6:41. Busy day today starting a video meeting with Jeff from 8-9 that I completely forgot about until I got the email reminder. Oy!

After my meeting with Jeff I went out to The Backyard to practice. 

I started with a brief warm up focused on health, mobility and agility.

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (left side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I found myself experiencing the expansion and contraction internally connected to the phases of the postures; either expanding outward or contracting inward. It's part of balancing Yin/Yang energies. 

Next I got ready to drive north to Orange City (Moose Haven) to visit my Mom. After I arrived we had lunch in the Schmidt Dining Room. My Mom's portable oxygen tank was out of juice, so I was unable to take her outside. After lunch I brought her back to the activity area and we played 'Rubicon'. I can see lots of benefit to playing cards and board games as we age. The banter, conversation and strategy when playing with other people is excellent for cognition. 

Next I drove back to NSB - I 95 was very busy! Idiots and left lane travelers were out in force. 

When I arrived home I went out to QW. I walked north just past The Pelican Condos. I did a brief mobility stretch. When I arrived back at 21st Ave I did Changes 4-8 of Cheng Style Baguazhangs 8 Animal Set focused on health and consistency.

Next I did stretching and push ups on the 21st Ave Walkover.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thursday Practice

The Details:

It's 58 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:09. The high tide was at 5:48. A cold front came yesterday afternoon.  There was a downpour in the early afternoon that ushered in the cold front. I have a 9 am haircut scheduled and a guitar lesson at 11. Busy morning!!

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I began inside with Bass Guitar practice; working on a few of the songs that I haven't reviewed lately and Drum Set practice working on exercise #7 from the Syncopation book. 

At 4:00 I went out to QW. I walked north to The Pelican Condos. It was cooler but not bad. I was slightly overdressed.

I did calisthenics on the 21st Ave Walkover before returning to the house.


I started inside with a full round of The 10+ focused on consistency and overall health. I've been adding a few things here and there. I've added Heel Stomps after the #1, mobility twisting of my spine during #3. I went barefoot for #6 and used a hassock for #8 practicing sitting and standing up with no hands helping. 

After I got back from my haircut (on Flagler Ave) I started to prepare for a Zoom guitar lesson. I had logistical problems to solve. Oy!! Modern life can be complicated, computers don't help until you've got the workflow figured out. Oy!! We finally got a decent connection and had a lesson. I've still got a bit of work to do on the material that I've been working on but it is coming along slowly. Progress is slower than I'd like to.

After my lesson and before lunch I went out to The Backyard to do my daily Round of Taijiquan (left side). I focused on being consistent and what the benefits of consistency for ones health and longevity. My experience is that in order to be consistent over decades one must also cultivate a strong will and self-discipline. Otherwise consistency will be impossible. In the end a strong will and cultivated self-discipline will serve you well as they are two of the most important things to cultivate as a human being. 

Next I used a wooden broadsword to do a round of Pakua-Knife focused on correct sequence and agility/mobility. That's a tough form to do as one ages even with adjustments. Those Butterfly Kicks were fine in my 30's, 40's and 50's but after 60 and definitely after 70 ......Oy!

Next I did a round of Taiji Dao focused on timing of step and strikes.

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa tuned into the quality of my basics

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata using more flow, focus and strength.

I ended with STP and Healing Qigong

Lunch is next!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wednesday Practice


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:08. The low tide is at 11:20. There's a cold front forecast to arrive around lunch time.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

QW north to The Pelican Condos. 


I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. I've got a lesson scheduled for 11-12 this morning. I'm still working on The Songs and various exercised to develop unconscious accuracy with the thumb pick and the ability to play the songs by memory in time with a metronome on The One. Oy! I wish it was easier.

Next I went out front to practice on the front patio this morning. GG is working in the backyard.

I started with a full round of The 10+ exercising my will, determination and self-discipline. Sounds better than it feels!! The point is the will to do something when 'feel good' motivation has been used up. That will happen at a certain point no matter the endeavor. The cyclical nature of acquiring skills is real. IF you are able to will yourself to 'do it' with time and effort IT will improve. But not as quickly as you would like it to. Sorry about that, I didn't make up the rules;^)

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) I was thinking about how doing a Round a day effects ones cognition. Just keeping straight which side to start on, then once you start on that side, staying on that side and not switching over to the other side unknowingly (unconsciously). Oy! Once both sides feel equally comfortable, staying on the side that you started on can be challenging. Oy!!

At #9 I did a full round (both sides of each change) of Baguazhang Yin Style 8 Linking Palms focused on the Kick Ups and consistency of practice. This was the original Bagua Form that I learned from Dr. Leung the summer of 1979 outside in the Boston Gardens.

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa adding more snap and focus to my punches, kicks and progressive steps.

Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata focused on solidifying the changes that I'm making to that form

I ended with SPT and Healing Qigong.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tuesday Practice


The Details: 

It's 62 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:08. The low tide was at 10:19.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I started inside with calisthenics using my TRX Straps, Dumbbells and Push-Up Bars. I had hoped to sign up for the Nautilus Gym but I'm having a hard time getting motivated this season. I've been relying heavily on self-discipline, but there's only so much of that to go around. I hope to make it to the gym later this week.

At 4:00 I went out to QW. I walked north up to The Pelican Condos. On the way I did the introduction and a few of the discreet exercises from Wuji Hundun Qigong as well as The Standing Crane Animal Frolics while I was QW. I did stop to do the last few in place. 


I started inside with acoustic guitar practice as well as Drum Rudiments on a practice pad.

Next I went out to The Backyard and did a modified warm up using the first few of The 10. I've added heel stomps and one legged bend overs to touch the ground.

Next I did a Round (right side) to Master Liang counting out the beats (and half beats) to the music. I tuned into No Mind and meditative observing of the principles.

Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong.

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo tuned into the quality and focus of my basics.

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata focused on the detail of this Kata and connecting my breathe with the movements.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Monday Practice

The Details:

It's 60 at the house. It's forecast to be warmer today and tomorrow. The sunrise was at 7:06. The low tide is at 9:14. 

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:


I did a full Bass Guitar practice before going out to QW The Beach.
It was warmer and I was overdressed! I went out at 4:30 to QW The Beach. I walked north past The Pelican Condos using TLB (Taoist Longevity Breathing - Abdominal Breathing) counting my steps, 4 steps inhaling (Qi & the Sea is in me) 6 steps to exhale (I am Qi & the Sea) in and out through the nose. The longer exhale stimulates the Vagus Nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system it helps one to enter into a tranquil state of mind. I did The Old 8 Palms while I was walking south.

When I got back to 21st Ave I did a round of The 21 Qigong and some calisthenics on the Walkover before returning to the house. 


I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. I've been trying to put Freight Train and Sugar Babe to a metronome. First I started out at 50 BPM and yesterday bumped it up to 55 BPM. I still make mistakes and get off the 1, but I am making progress. I almost have Freight Train memorized.

I went out to The Backyard at 10:30 to practice. I had a hard time getting started this morning. This is where self-discipline becomes essential in order to be consistent.

I began with a full round of The 10+ tuned into health and consistency.

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan. I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I. I tuned into calibrating my mind and spirit to a specific frequency. I could tell when I was tuned in and also when I was slightly off frequency.

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito tuned into the correct sequence and direction of postures. There are a couple of applications that I'm contemplating; the finger strike to the double block sequence I've seen as a throw.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata the sequence is becoming more and more familiar and well practiced. Now it's time for more detail with a focus on stance work and timing.

I ended with SPT and Healing Qigong.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Old video of Okinawan Karate-Ka


Original Okinawan Kata

Sunday Practice


The Details:

It's 57 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:06. The low tide was at 8:39.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I *QW south past 27th Ave. where I did mobility stretching.

*Things to remember when Qigong Walking (QW):




I've successfully gotten QW on The Beach in the late afternoon into my daily schedule. It feels really good!! Yay!

Next: When I got back to 22nd Ave. I did a full round of Cheng Style Baguazhang 8 Animal Set focused on consistency, self-discipline and adjusting this form to be easier as I age. My thinking is if I adjust a few things I will be more likely to practice more often and to be able to 'do it' for years to come. 


I started inside with acoustic guitar practice

Next I did rudiments on a practice pad

At 10 ish I went out to The Backyard to practice I began with a full round of The 10+

at #9 I did a full round of Baguazhang Yin Fu 8 Palms Set. I did both sides on each of the 8 Changes.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I focused on feeling the opening and closing of my spine and feeling Jin moving down and up the JinLu and the 9 Zig Zag Path.

Next I did a round of Anyo Lima to get back into sync with the correct rotation of Anyo and Kata in my daily practice. Yesterday I did a round of Anyo Apat when Lima was actually next in the sequence.

Next I did a round of Kusanku Kata tuned into agility and mobility. The Zen Dashi and the low squatting stances are substantially more challenging as I age. I first learned these Karate Kata when I was in my 20's, it's definitely different in my 70's! I'm glad that I kept practicing them without a break. Even with consistent practice....You can not outrun father time! All you can do is adjust and keep disciplining yourself to continue practicing even though you can feel that your body is no longer as agile and mobile as it once was. Oy!!

I finished with SPT and Healing Qigong.

Walking is THE best exercise


Walking is THE best exercise

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday Practice


The Details:

It's 57 at the house. It's another cool one! And windy too!! Brrr! The sunrise was at 7:06. The low tide was at 7:50.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW north but between the cold and strong north wind I only made it up to 17th Ave. before turning around. I stopped at 20th Ave to practice Baguazhang Yin Fu 8 Palms. I worked on Change's #5 (Phoenix) and  #6 (Unicorn). 

Next I did calisthenics on the 21st Ave Walkover before heading back to the house.


I went down to practice on The Beach at 9:15. 

I started with a full round of The 10+ focused on consistency and self-discipline. 

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (right side) observing from a third party perspective. I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I and found myself tuned into Counter Balancing throughout the Round.

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat (I now realize that I should have done a round of Anyo Lima instead)

I tuned into quality basics at the beginning and applications at the end.

Next I did a round of Chinto Kata tuned into agility and mobility.

I ended with SPT and Healing Qigong.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Friday Practice


                                                        Sunrise this morning

The Details:

It's 60 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:05. The low tide was at 7:01. It's warmer than it has been and the tide is cooperating so I'll be going out to the beach to practice this morning.....Only the second sunrise this season. Oy!

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

I QW south past 27th Avenue. 

When I got back to 21st Ave I did a round of Bagua Zhang - Yin Fu 8 Palms - One change on each side focusing on the changes that I'm making to this set. I've been practicing and teaching this set for the past few decades. 

Do the best you know how, but when you know better, do better. 

I did some stretching and calisthenics on the 21st Ave Walkover.


I went out to the beach to practice at sunrise. It was worth the effort and self-discipline to get myself out there. The difference was palpable. If it takes self-discipline to go out to the backyard at 10 and it takes a similar amount of self-discipline to get out to the beach for a sunrise practice. Once I get there the sunrise practice is much, much better.

I started out photographing the sunrise.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ at #9 I did Changes #3 and #6 from Yin Fu 8 Palms.

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan focused on feeling the expansion and contraction of my body and spirit.

Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into the correct sequence, the quality of my basics, with the postures facing the correct direction.

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata focused on the quality of my basics.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Karate virtues to aspire to


Karate Studies Written by Gichin Funukoshi 1868-1957

Thursday Practice


First I heard the rocket launch then when I looked I saw the plume that the rocket left behind.

The Details:

It's 52 at the house. Brrrr! The sunrise was at 7:04. The low tide was at 6:14. I'll be going out to the backyard to practice once it warms up a bit.

The Practice:

Yesterday afternoon:

         Long shadows at low tide. The wind and cold keep the tourists off the beach! Yay!!
I QW up to The Tikki Bar and did a little bit of mobility stretching. The wind was coming from the north so it was much more pleasant walking south. When I got back around 20th Ave I did a round of Bagua Zhang Yin Fu 8 Palms Set around one of the poles that say: No Vehicle Beyond This Point. 
Next I did a bit of calisthenics on the Walkover at 21st Ave. before returning to the house.

 I started inside with acoustic guitar practice. I've been struggling to put Freight Train and Sugar Babe to a metronome set at 50 bpm. It's coming along but slower than I'd like it to!

Next I spent some time getting Christmas cards and boxes ready to ship. It's part of spending the holidays down here in Florida. Oh could you please turn up the friggin' heat: Brrrr! It's been too cold to out to the beach to practice at sunrise. Maybe next week?

I went out to The Backyard around 10 to practice.

I started with a round of Taiji Staff (right side) focused on Stance Work

Next I did a round of Monkey Staff focused on the correct sequence in the correct direction and overall health.

Next I did a round of Low Family Staff tuned into lower cross leg Stances for hip mobility and overall agility

Next I reviewed the A and B sides of Taiji 13 Spear Set.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ focused on using self-discipline to be consistent. I'm using this set to help with mobility, agility and overall health as I age.
IMHO For anything to become a health practice you'll need:
1. Consistent practice over an extended period of time.
2. A clinical dosage - enough but not too much

NOTE: I've been doing The 10 since I learned them from Dr. Leung Kay-Chi during the summer of 1979. (Bow)

Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (right side) tuned into staying in the correct sequence on the correct side. Lately when I focus my mind to much on the principles I find that I've segued to the other side. I've succeeded in getting both the right and left sides of the form to feel the same. Often I can't feel any difference except when I get to certain places like at Wave Hands and Cross Hands etc. etc. When I realize I'm on the other side it gives me an opportunity to check the reaction that comes from my ego not being in check. It's humbling when you realize that you've made an error. It's good for you!!

Next I did SPT and Healing Qigong.
Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo focused on the leaps for agility and mobility.

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata tuned into deeper Stanced and the overall details of this Kata.