Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tuesday Practice


                         I reviewed the Tai-Chi Sword (Jian) form with Janee after class.

I went in to The Studio this morning to teach the T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong class from 8-9:30. This is the last Tuesday morning class that I'll be teaching this season. We leave for NSB next week. I'll be practicing on the beach or in my backyard. Yay!

I started with a full Warm Up of The 10 Exercises then a round of Standing Meditation explaining what to focus on step by step. Standing practices are actually quite a bit of work. No movement on the outside but plenty of movement on the inside. Bone Up.....Muscle Down.....Throughout the session. Add relaxed abdominal breathing:





In and Out through the nose.

Without effort

Consciously breathing deep and slow

After Standing we moved on to do a Round (right side) to Master T. T. Liang counting out the postures to his Tai-Chi music. For some that may have been the first time they were exposed to the music, the tempo and perhaps the sound of Master Liang's voice? Cool beans!!

I received some very touching feedback from students at the end of class today. I'm sure some of that's prompted by my leaving next week. But still it's nice to feel appreciated. Bow!

After folks left I reviewed the Tai-Chi Jian form with Janee and then I did one round with the CD I made with music and the names of the postures. Janee's knee was bothering her. Too much dancing over the weekend perhaps?? 

Next I went to the YMCA for a round of Cybex. I just starting to get the hang of 'em!

Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday Practice

 Zack and Phil practicing joint locks last Sunday morning before the Bagua for Health Seminar started.

It's raining and cold (mid 40's) outside this morning. I practiced in The Loft looking south toward Beaver Meadow and East Hill. 

I started with a full Warm Up using The 10+ Exercises. I used the Inner Qigong postures from Cheng style Bagua Zhang:

1. The two palms touching heaven and earth

2. Flower slanting towards the sea

3. The two palms raising the sky

4. Lu Hai plays with the frog - (middle fingers extend towards the earth and the sky)

5. The monkey holding the hot stove

6. The monkey slowly pushes the stove

7. Face upward and look at the sky

8. Look down at the earth

#1-3-5-7 (sho) pull the qi

#2-4-6 (fan) radiate qi

#8 qi cultivates in the lower tan tien

Next I did a Round (right side) to T. T. Liangs music. Focusing on a calm, centered internal strength.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday Practice


It's Sunday so I practiced while listening to classical music in solidarity with Masters Paul and Ray.

It was cool (low 40's) but the rain hadn't started yet so I went out to my main practice area.

I started with a full round of Cheng T'ing Hwa Bagua Zhang 8 Animal Set on both sides. Focusing on the health benefits of both walking and the animal changes. I followed the round with figure 8 walking between two trees.

Next I did a partial Warm Up (1-5)

Followed by a Round (left side) focused on 'no mind' and cultivating natures energy.

Practice tips from Sifu Roy

*Be aware of the present moment, notice when you are not, then return your attention to the present moment (without emotion) as soon as you notice it's not.

*All movements are light and spirited and all of it's parts (body) are connected like a string of pearls.

*All (body) parts start and stop at the same time.

*Neither excess nor deficiency

*Neither severance nor splice

*Visualize the usage of the postures, as if there is an imaginary opponent. 


Saturday Practice


Old friends and training partners meet up at The Studio yesterday morning.

I went in to The Studio to help out with the T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong class. 

I started with Bagua circle walking before class started. I made some suggestions about the degree of 'twist' and where the twist comes from. At least one student that attended the Bagua for Health seminar over twisted at his low back and lo and behold the over twisting aggravated his back. 

The twisting in Bagua starts at the bottom and the legs, Kua and hips rotate in towards the center of the circle and then the upper body and head rotate inward in a fashion that is designed to OPEN and release, thus increasing (slightly) the space between the vertebrae. One must go slowly and gradually over time to achieve this result. Going to quickly will ruin it! Be patient, start with minimal rotation and gradually increase the rotation looking at it as a progression a transformation of the body, mind and spirit.

Once class formed Jeff and I led through Sifu Ray's Warm Ups with some 'building the qi ball' qigong at the end. 

After a little two person work to compare moving with Jin to moving simple with muscular (Li) force.

Seeking to move from release expand as opposed to shortening and contracting muscle.

Very subtle partner work.

Next we finished with a Round (right side) with no particular focus. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Friday Practice


I practiced out in my main training area again this morning. I started with a full Bagua session with figure 8 walking between two trees then a round of Yin Fu 8 Palms on both sides.

Next I did a full Warm Up with mostly The 10 + Exercises.
Followed by a Round (right side) focusing on cultivating natures energy and sending it out to all my family and friends.

Afterwards I did a bunch of chores around the farm, mowing, leave blowing and covering the awning on the deck.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday Practice


I cleared the leaves off of my practice area and Bagua tree yesterday. 

I started today with a full Warm Up in my main practice area. With the Cheng Bagua single leg standing set and Song Gong.

Next I did a round of Bagua Zhang 8 Linking Palms on both sides. That's feeling really good these days!

Then I did a Round (left side) focusing on cultivating calm centered internal strength. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wednesday Practice


The backdrop for a video I shot for Paul today.

I started my practice in the driveway this morning, with Parts I and II of the solo form. I ran out of time. 

Next I drove my convertible to Hatfield to meet with Paul and Read. 

I'm lining up coverage for Paul once I migrate to NSB. Read had some wonderful ideas with variations of Tai-Chi Ruler from B. P. Chan (and Paul Gallagher). We're going to meet again next Wednesday.

We started with socializing and talking about Paul's practice...What works? What do you find yourself doing? One answer was Bagua.

So Read and I shared some ideas and suggestions to Bagua-ize Paul's walking. 

Next I reviewed some details of Wuji Standing then we went on to single leg standing with assist (hand on the wall)  

We went on with a brief Warm Up then Read introduced Tai-Chi Ruler that he has been using for his health practice. The exercise resonated with Paul. Read went over several variations and I gave a few suggestions including 'free style' or improvising with Big wide Open movements.

We also covered ballistic pad work using Jab and Cross. This really 'sparked' Paul. It awakened 'Something'.

I also reviewed the intro to the Tai-Chi solo form and then a Round of Part I up until the 4th Brush Knee Twist.

Next a little single arm push hands on the left side.

Lastly I used a two pound soft weight and suggested simply passing it from hand to hand without looking at the exchange...But 'feeling' where the other hand is. 

Excellent session......

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tuesday Practices


          This is the group at the Bagua for Health seminar last Sunday morning; Walking on thin ice!

I went in to The Studio this morning to teach T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong class from 8-9:30. We worked on empty stepping 100/0, 90/10 and 80/20, progressing to Tai-Chi stepping. We worked only on the lower body, arms hanging at the sides. 

After greetings, I started class with a full Warm Up, explaining a few exercises along the way. Notably #9 and additional suggestions and explanation of 'muscle lock' as opposed to 'bone lock'.

After several lines of empty stepping and a short water break we did a Round (right side).

After class I did several rounds of Tai-Chi Jian (straight sword) with Read and Janee. I explained the stances that I'm using that are also found in the Tai-Chi solo form.

Next I went to the YMCA for a round of Cybex, picked up a couple of 'bowls' at Tito's for lunch then back home to Leyden.

Johan is coming at 3:30 to estimate the deck for Trex decking. Oh boy!

Monday Practice

 I practiced on the Deck this morning. I had 3-6 deer grazing and when I did Bagua Zhang there was one that couldn't see to take her/his eyes off of me. The deer seemed fascinated by the me turning the circle on the Deck. 

I had a wonder-filled Bagua session. I've been getting really good results from my Bagua practices. Followed by a full Warm Up and a Round (right side). 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Sunday Practice

I taught my first Bagua for Health Seminar this morning at The Studio. I arrived an hour early to get camera's set and to do a Round (left side) before folks started to show up.

I had a good turn out for the first Seminar (17). Thanks for the support and interest you guys. 

Photo above is the class working on empty stepping in a straight line. I covered a verity of topics with the beginners and explained some of the ideas behind Bagua for Health. By the end I had them doing the final exercise: Walk the Circle with Guard and change directions Bagua style with Hook and Swing Steps.

In the second section I reviewed the 8 Linking Palm Set. Spending a good deal of time on #3 with partner work to explore the applications. We also flushed out #6, 7 and 8. I didn't address the walking too much because I covered it in detail during the first Seminar.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday Practice


It's raining out so I practice inside in the living/dinning room area. 

I started with Bagua research on this round rug mostly on the lower body. I was checking to see if could After researching methods that I'll be using tomorrow at the Bagua for Health Seminar. Informal walking first. The work up to Bagua Walking with the Guard.

Next I did a brief Warm Up and a Round (right side) focusing on feeling my feet.

I did a few hours work on the presentation for tomorrows seminar. 

Going to have supper with Tom and Maggie here in Leyden. The offered to bring take out. We got Chinese from the China Gourmet. Really nice to see them. Echo was a jumpy and barkey mess but he did eventually calm down and be quiet. Oy! 

That's it for today.

Email me....Email Sifu

Friday, October 20, 2023

Friday Practice


It's raining this morning so I practiced upstairs in The Loft looking south towards east hill and beaver meadow.

I had a 8-9 am video call with Jeff. Many subjects but the upcoming Seminar and it's logistics were on the top of the list. 

After the call I had Echo duty so I had many interruptions throughout this morning training. Lots of practice 'getting back to the feeling'. It's a good thing IF you can actually do that without adding turbid qi, but instead being equanimous and neutral.

I started with a full Warm Up downstairs and then went upstairs and did a Round (right side) to a metronome set at 60 bpm with 2 tones; One for the Beat and the other for the 1/2 Beat. Start on the Down Beat (the ONE) end on the 1/2 Beat (the AND).

Next I'll be working on Bagua......

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday Practice


My main practice area looking north.

I had a busy morning shuffling the 4-Runner and my Volvo to Cherry Rum Automotive for servicing. It looks like the 4-Runner has a fair number of issues, mostly due to rust. I believe it's time to trade her out.  We've had her for 20 years so I think we've got out moneys worth!

When I got back from town, I practiced out in my main practice area. Starting with a full round of the 8 Linking Palms Form on both sides and more research on the basics that I'll be presenting at the Bagua for Health Seminar this coming Sunday at The Studio.

Afterwards I did a brief Warm Up and a Round (left side), focusing on the rotation of my lower spine/tail bone and how it's movement is connected to my waist and hips. I also focused on the degree of Song (release and stretch) of the sides of my torso from arm pits to hips. 


Chen Pan Ling

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wednesday Practice


I practiced in The Driveway this morning in between chores. 
I did a short warm up and a Round (left side) focusing on the rotation of my lower spine moving my hips and waist. 
Next I drove down to Hatfield for a private lesson with Paul. I photographed the notes I took. 
When I got back home I did a bit of research for the up coming Bagua for Health Seminar coming up this Sunday. I've got 17ish signed up for the first Seminar and 4-5 for the second one. I've been working on a hand-out for the first seminar. It's kinda fun for me to put these things together. I miss that!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Tuesday Practice


I went into The Studio this morning to teach from 8-10:30 - I had 8 students show up. Nancy, LJ, Wes, Sally, Janee, Lucy, Read and Pat.

I started with talking about the 4 corners (2 shoulders, 2 hips) and them being unified or separated. I kept that theme throughout the Warm Ups. I placed blue tape on my 4 corners throughout the class. 

I explained the new neck warm ups and the difference between Wuji Breathing (longevity breathing) and Bagua Breathing (longevity breathing with a twist at the thoracic vertebra, which increases the tension on the diaphragm).

Next we did a Round (right side) pausing briefly throughout Part I. 

After class I stayed and discussed Bagua Walking variations and reviewed the Tai-Chi Jian Form with Read, Janee and Pat a couple of repetitions. 

Next I went to the YMCA for a Cybex session before I came back home. 

Note: Jeff's working with Jim the landlord to hash out the heating problems at The Studio.

It was 63 degrees when I arrived and went up to 65 with folks working out. All in all not to bad but when the weather gets colder it'll be a deal breaker! Good luck Jeff!!

Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday Practice


I started my practice inside because it was cold and damp outside and drizzling a bit too! I was watching Echo too!

First I did a Warm Up exploring the new neck stretches that I've been working with and worked on the upper body Warm Ups that I'll be using on Sunday for the Bagua For Health Seminar. I also worked on the straight line Bagua walking and the circular Bagua walking with hook and swing step to change directions. 

Next I went out on The Deck and did a Round (left side) focusing on feeling my feet and connecting with nature.

Afterwards I did a round of Bagua Zhang 1st Yin Fu Set on both sides focusing on the health aspects. I monitored for the proper amount of twist/turn, smooth natural movements and abdominal breathing; Slow, fine, even and soft.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday Practice


I practiced on The Deck this morning looking south down Beaver Meadow and East Hill. It was cool and breezy so I dressed accordingly. 

I only had about an hour before a planned video call with Jeff. I started with a partial Warm Up and a Round (left side).

After a 2 hour video call with Jeff, I came back out and did a round of Bagua Zhang around a medicine ball. I practiced the Yin Fu first Set (with kick/sweep ala Wang Shujin). I did all 8 changes on both sides. 

My Bagua Zhang is feeling really good these days! Because I've been spending more time and effort regularly practicing Bagua Zhang. The upcoming Bagua For Health Seminar on Sunday Oct. 22 is helping me to focus and work on my Bagua Basics. 

It's no secret....There's only: 

Doing & Not Doing

And when refining a posture:

Do This, Instead Of That!

"Don't think, just Do!"


Saturday, October 14, 2023

The 'standard' is: The posture should feel comfortable and natural, transitions should be smooth.


Regarding correct form :
" Just do so the body is comfortable. lf the body feels comfortable, it's alright"

BP Chan

Saturday Practice

I practiced in my main practice area this morning. I didn't clear the leaves. I noticed an area at the base of trees that seems to have naturally cleared....Perhaps a bit of Tree Magic?

I started with a brief Warm Up and then right into a Round (right side). 

I worked on the material for the upcoming Bagua For Health seminar on Sun Oct 22nd around my main Bagua Tree. 

I needed to shower and load up for a gig at noon in Gill MA.

The Awesome Possum played a set in the Gill Library today. They were very well received! 

There were 6-10 adults and about the same amount of children 5-10 years old in the audience. Very cool! Everyone, especially the adults and the two librarians who organized the event seemed to really enjoy the vocal oriented Awesome Possum band. I really enjoyed adding feel and nuance to the performance. Very low volume, which the audience really appreciates and enjoys too!

Blast Sticks (above) and brushes were the order of the day. I also used a single layer of t-shirt to muffle the snare drum (a Tama 'Silverstar' - all birch 5"/14"). I used lot's of Cross Stick technique (above left hand) throughout the set. You can see my new RokSteady device in the photo. I'm using it to monitor the consistency of my tempo (and the bands too). I've been really enjoying monitoring my tempo. I'm finding it more useful and internal than using a metronome. The Awesome Possum tempo stayed remarkably steady.

I've been in a bunch of bands with Bobby V. over the last few decades. He usually plays bass. He plays bass, 6 string, 12 string and Vocals in the Possum. 

                                  Eileen and Karen Vocals and Percussion

                                                       Jeff Vocals/Guitar/Bass

Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday Practice


I practiced on The Patio in front of The Barn this morning,

First I swept the leaves off. Yesterday I practiced in the leaves (for fun) but today I made a point of preparing my training space as I usually would. Preparing the space you intend to practice in is a significant step in the right direction; Reverence for your training space. The option would be???

I did a full Warm Up before I was interrupted the first time. I've had a run on interrupted practices lately. It's a challenge (put nicely) to re-connect internally once you've been interrupted. But it IS good and important practice; Returning to your inner sanctuary and a chance to practice non-reactivity and resilience. 

After the Warm Up and dealing with problems with CVS Pharmacy I returned to The Barn for a short session on my Tama Drum Set working with the RokSteady device that I purchased recently. Rock Steady at 53 bpm using a traditional grip with the left hand out towards the end of the stick and getting and accurate, fat and confident 2&4. After Drum Set practice I went out onto The Patio and did Round (right side). I got through Parts I & II before I got interrupted again. After dealing with the 'problem' I returned to The Patio and finished with Part III. 

Next I returned to the house and went out on The Deck to work on some Bagua Basics for the upcoming Seminar and a review of the first Yin Fu Set.


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday Practice

I practiced on The Patio in front of The Barn this morning. I was watching Echo while GG was working down stairs. We're working on getting him used to being alone in the house without flipping out! 

I started with a full Warm Up. I've been blending The 10+ Exercises and Sifu Ray's Warm Ups. I'm going to do a version of those at the Bagua For Health Seminar coming up on the 22nd. I believe that these simple exercises are essential for health and also for a more complete understanding.

I kept checking the Blink camera's in the living room for Echo's state of being. He remained calm lying on the back of the Blue Chair.

I proceeded to do a Round (left side) focusing on the Tai-Chi Classics.

After checking that Echo was still calm I came back to the house to do Part III on The Deck so that I could be there when GG came back upstairs. We are trying to keep Echo calm (er) when she returns. It went pretty good.

Afterwards I did some research on Bagua Basics for the upcoming seminar and a review of the first Yin Fu Set. 

Bagua For Health Seminar


                                                  The Golden Rooster Stands On One Leg  

           Bagua Zhang For Health Seminar


Sifu J. R. Roy

Sunday October 22nd 2023

8-9:30am No Experience Required

9:30-Noon Advanced (Prior Bagua Experience Required)


J. R. Roy Martial Arts Studio

1 Osgood Street

Greenfield MA 01301

$35 for one - $60 for both 

(10% discount for current JRRMAS students)

Please pay when you register

*Cash only at the door - Add $10 per session*

Email Sifu Roy to Register:

Email Sifu Roy

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday Practice


                              Dr. Leung Kay-Chi "Embrace The Moon" from Yin Fu Bagua Zhang

I did a short Warm Up and a Round (left side) in the driveway before I drove down to Hatfield to workout with Paul C. 

Paul and I trained upstairs in his Tai-Chi room. There were some workers adjusting the vinyl siding right outside the window. I was a bit noisy but Paul didn't seem to mind.

We started with Jab & Cross to pillows that I was holding. I suggested that I stay still and he adjusts the 'correct' distance.

He was very spirited with good extension in his arms. He did tend to move forward but ended up getting too close most of the time. 

Next we walked. I introduced several Bagua concepts and we ended walking a figure 8 pattern around two waste baskets.

Next we did a short Warm Up and Stretch, ending with big open arm circles

I did a full explanation of tech. and benefits of getting up and down from a chair as an exercise. 

and an explanation of breathing with the diaphram. Then breathing with arm motion (big circles). Paul leans towards the Whirlpool ala Brush Knee Twist Step.

Next I reviewed the basic details of Wuji Posture, then we repeated the intro to the Tai-Chi Form three times. Focusing on Big/Open movements.

We finished with Single Hand Push-Hands on both side, again focusing on nice long, big and open movements.

After working with Paul I drove to Wesfield to At The Waters Edge dive shop to drop off my Scuba Diving regulator and BCD so that Bert can either fix or give his recommendation as to what to replace them.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday Practice


I went in to The Studio to teach the Tuesday morning T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong class from 8-9:30.

Sally, Nancy and Janee were able to make it. We started with a Warm Up. I did a similar routine to what I did on my own on Monday. The initial moving the lymph toe up heel down exercise then the first 5 of The 10 Exercises, then I did the first half of Sifu Ray's Warm Ups. The first half has a heavy concentration on the upper body. Then I went back to The 10+ and I explained in some detail what I was attempting to do and the awareness' that I used to work on those principles.
One of the main things I pointed out and carried into the Solo Tai-Chi Form was the notion of the 4-Corners staying 1. Unified (most if Tai-Chi is practiced with the 4-Corners (2 shoulders - 2 hips) unified. 2. Shoulders rotate further that the hips (as in the yogic movements of Repulse Monkey and Wave Hands Like Clouds). 
With the shoulders held like a suspension bridge (down and relaxed).  First I clasped hands and brought them overhead, the I stretched the lower spine and hips down and away from the shoulders without the shoulders moving downward (or up). First rotate from the hips, turning the lower spine right to left with the shoulders staying alignment with the hips. Then once the hips come to an end point continue rotating the shoulders in the same direction. When you rotate back, first un-rotate the shoulders and then un-rotate the hips and shoulders.
After the Warm Up and a short water break we did a Round (right side) focusing on the 4-Corners and awareness of the waist and lower spine turning side to side, front to back etc.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Monday Practice


I practiced on the deck, drinking tea out of Master Paul's cup....R.I.P. gone but not forgotten!

I started with a full Warm Up, the first 4 of The Ten then the first half of Sifu Ray's Warm Ups and then back for 5-10 of The 10 Exercises.

Next I worked on Bagua For Health curriculum and did focused practice, by continuously repeating and refining the first change in the first Yin Fu Set.

Afterwards I drove into town for Awesome Possum rehearsal. There's a gig on Saturday at noon. I used my new RokSteady device to monitor the tempo for consistency. They did pretty darn good! Nice and steady as she goes. I'm feeling better and better about my brush work. Brush work on drums is kinda a thing all it's own. It's really good for your 'chops'!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday Practice

The grasses are really beautiful this season. 
I practiced and taught in the driveway this morning.

It's cool out this morning. I started with a short Warm Up and a Round (left side) before my private  showed up. I have a  9-11 am Private Lesson scheduled this morning with Malcolm. 

It's wonderful to have influence on the next generations of Martial Artists from my lineages. I take the  'job' of handing the Arts off to the next generation, very seriously. 

During the Private Lesson:

Reviewed the first 4 (1/2 the system) American Karate Kata, adding awareness of some detail:

One suggestion is to 'Know Your Destination'. Simply hold each posture and check it for accuracy of Alignment and Release. The 'Standard' is found in the first Wuji Standing Meditation posture.

Realize that you are 'Setting Your Standard' when you first approach 'it' (no matter what 'it' is!).

Take your time to do your best to evolve 'it'. Realize it takes time, effort and patience (+ consistency and perseverance) to achieve anything that is worthwhile!

Do the best you can, until you know better, than do better. 

Realize that nothing is perfect in this world!

I suggest to set your personal Standard as high as you can. Don't sell yourself short, as long as your 'High Standard'  doesn't stop you from approaching 'it' (whatever 'it' is) or encourages you to put others down.

How to refine? Some ideas that I've used:

Hold Postures - Become more aware of Alignment, Release, Breathing, Relaxed Balance - Adjust as needed.

Develop loops of short segments of movements. Go Slow! 

When I first learned Tai-Chi I would do repetitions of Brush Knee Twist Step from one end of Beacon Field to the other and Repulse Monkey back. I've subsequently practiced most things this way. It's also reminiscent of practicing Drum Rudiments and Scales on other instruments.

I suggested several adjustments and a few 'internal' ideas to The 10 Exercises. Too numerous to mention here.

I also watched the first 3 Modern Arnis Anyo and had similar suggestions as did with his Karate Kata.

I also watched the first 3 Cane Anyo. One idea is that all the Low Cane Postures in the Cane Anyo's need to be effective blocks first, then they can also be thought of as effective leg/knee strikes.

I find it interesting that I gave two Private Lessons this weekend and had such a wide spread of ages and abilities. Very interesting indeed. 

With gratitude and appreciation.....Bow from the waist! 

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Saturday Practice


It's raining this morning so I did a Warm Up just inside of my middle garage looking south towards Beaver Meadow.

Next I drove to Hatfield to workout with Paul C. 

I was scheduled for 10-11 and ended up staying until 12:30ish. Eric C. his wife and Jean were there along with Jake, Paul's Grandson. We were brainstorming about getting someone to come in to do some Qigong/Tai-Chi/Internal Arts exercise with him once per week to help keep him engaged and healthy possible. 

Paul is working hard at the PT prescription. He has always had a good practice ethic and it is serving him well these days.

I reviewed the material that I have been working on with him. Starting with the overall principle of Wuji Stance. Meaning to 'square yourself away' i. e. Be in relaxed balance, vertically aligned, head up, eyes straight ahead parallel to the ground focused on on spot. Always to that when standing up from sitting and when beginning an exercise.

Next we went upstairs to Paul's practice room and I held throw pillows, one in each hand and had Paul punch them with jab's and cross's. Which he did with abandon. He was very animated and moving quite quickly and smoothly! Most importantly he was having fun, doing something that at one point he was quite good at. Being a life long auto mechanic extraordinaire, he was very strong in the grip and arms.

Next we walked the circle

Then did a short Warm Up with the first few stretches from The 10 Exercises and Big Arm Circles.

Then we moved on to review and practice the Intro to the Tai-Chi Form with Big Open moves. After several repetitions we reviewed the first half of Part I.

Next we went on to Single Hand Push-Hands. First on the left side and then the right.

Circle walking both directions

We finished with double arm circling both directions and then alternating arm circles ala Wave Hands and Brush Knee. Paul consistently chooses to use the Brush Knee circles when alternating. I suspect it's from the Roll Back to Press combination in the solo form. 



Friday, October 6, 2023

Professor Cheng Man-Ching's 8 methods to understand the principles of T'ai Chi Ch'uan

                                           Dr. Leung Kay-Chi holding a Bagua Zhang Posture

Discover Professor Cheng Man Ching's 8 methods to understand the principles of Tai Chi!. These valuable exercises were passed on by Tam Gibbs and are great for beginners.

1. #PutTheMoonByHat: Keep your head up high and visualize that the soft part of your head is connected to the moon, while your feet cling to the ground. Add this exercise after "Walking On Ice" for an increased enrichment!
2. #WalkingOnBrokeIce: Imagine walking on thin, slippery ice, with only an inch of water underneath. Make sure you don't break the ice or fall off!
3. #BadearElCreek: Feel like you're in a stream with a gentle current while walking. Connect to the bottom of the stream with every step.
4. #PararseEnElBordeDelPrecipicio: Adopt a White Crane-like posture and spread your imaginary wings. Visualise a shelf on the tip of your back foot.
5. #Rowing: Emulate the rowing motion, like when you push in the "GrabTheSparrowTail" pose. Visualize you're on a boat crossing a river and move your arms as if you're paddling, coordinating with your legs, waist and trunk.
6. #FollowingTheClouds: In the "HandsLikeClouds" pose, imagine that you are a mountain and your hands are the gently flowing clouds.
7. #CabalgarElViento: Just like in the "Diagonal Flight" pose, visualize that you're flying and gliding through the air with grace and control.
8. #UnfoldingTheSail: Like you were a beautiful lady knitting on a shuttle. Feel yourself lifting the sail (pushing up) on an imaginary sailboat.
These methods, taught by Professor Cheng Man-ching in New York between 1965 and 1975, passed down by Tam Gibbs and compiled by Carol McGonegal of Annapolis, Maryland, are a valuable addition to your Tai Chi practice. Explore these principles and improve your mastery of this beautiful discipline!

Friday Practice


Echo in his new favorite spot - On top of the Blue Chair; General Echo is able to survey his domain and keep a watchful eye on his caretakers! Ever watchful and attentive he is!!

I did a full Warm Up inside looking out towards East Hill and Beaver Meadow.

Then I went out on the deck for a Round (right side). This morning I practiced to a metronome set at 60 bpm using two tones. During the Round I had a realization about a few things:

Wuji first 

I felt like I was in the Ocean at night with bioluminescence in the water lighting up as I move: 

                              I experience light trailing and expanding with the movements of my body and my mind/spirit. The experience that I was affecting the space and matter around me close by and far away too. It was quite the experience; Perhaps a culmination of decades of Internal Martial Arts practice and a whole bunch of Scuba Diving. The sensory information inside of me from 500 Dives is impossible to write about. It would like explaining the color red, to a person born blind. There are somethings that a human being just has to experience for themselves. There is NO other way!


There is NO substitute for personal experience. 


I ended the session with a review of the 'shaking' techniques that I know.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Thursday Practice


                                             My first Bagua Zhang Tree in Leyden. 

I didn't get to bed until about 2:30 ish so I slept later than I normally would. I ended up practicing in the late morning, in my main practice area by Big Greenie.

First, I used a rake to clear the leaves out to form a circle around the tree

I started with a Round of Bagua Zhang (1st Yin Fu Set) around my first Bagua tree in Leyden.

Next I did a full Warm Up with The 10+ Exercises and then a Round (left side). I recited the Tai-Chi Classics out loud during Part I.

After practicing, I was still tired but felt refreshed....at least momentarily! 

Monday-Wednesday Practices


                                                            Mom at her 95th Birthday Party! 

                                                      Yep, she's still playing with a full deck;^)

Monday Practice

I had a very early start (3am), I had to be at my sisters at 5. I practiced on the deck at about 4, I started with a short Warm Up and a Round (right side) focusing on The Tai-Chi Classics.

Tuesday Practice

I practiced outside in the back yard at the Air B&B that we rented in Orange Park, FL. I started with a full Warm Up and then a Round (left side). I recited the Classics out loud during Part I. Afterwards I did a Sitting Meditation.

Wednesday Practice

I practiced outside in the back yard of the Air B&B again, while watching 3 year old Walker... It wasn't the most focused Practice I've ever had; It forced me to super focus on the sequence and principles. I did a Round of the Yin Fu 8 Palms and session of Sitting Meditation.

Arrived back in Leyden at 1 am Thursday morning......Exhausted!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Monday-Wednesday Practice

Mom at 95 playing baseball with her 3 year old Great Grandson Walker outside near the shores of the Saint Johns River at MooseHaven, Florida.

I'm traveling without a computer this week, so I'll have to wait until I get back to write about my daily practice.

I'll be getting up at 3 am tomorrow morning to do the last minute packing and do a Round before I leave for the airport. 

I'll write more on Thursday morning.

Sunday Practice


                   I practiced in the driveway this morning. I did a private with Jeff from 10-12:30. 

Before Jeff came I did a full Warm Up and a Round of Tai-Chi Saber (Dao) with some basics with the left hand. I also did a Round of the Tai-Chi Double Saber. 

When Jeff arrived, we started with a discussion about standardizing hand outs.

We then went on to work on the first Yin Fu Bagua Zhang Form. I filmed Jeff doing the Forms. We discussed details about the Willow Leaf Palm.

Next we went on to the second Yin Fu Bagua Zhang Form; "Yin Fu 8 Palms" 1-4. We worked a bit on 5 & 6. 

Afterwards I demonstrated the introduction and the first Change of the Bagua Spear Form that I've been creating. 

We then reviewed the Tai-Chi 13 Spear Set. First solo, then with each other. I think that the third section is the most productive. I have to say I'm still working on the sequence as much as anything else.

We finished with two person Spear 'Big Open, Big Close'.